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  本研究的目的在探討國中學生預防齲齒行為現況及其相關因素。研究母群體為九十八學年度第二學期就讀於台北市某國中之全體學生,以分層集束抽樣法,於三個年級各抽出四個班為樣本,進行自填式問卷施測,共得有效樣本420人。研究之重要結果如下: 一、研究對象的口腔保健知識頗佳。其齲齒罹患性認知、齲齒嚴重性認知、預防齲齒行為利益性認知為中上程度;預防齲齒行為障礙性認知則偏中下程度。而其預防齲齒行為行動線索整體接觸上頗佳。 二、研究對象之預防齲齒行為自我效能屬於中上程度,自我效能的程度:「家裡」高於「學校」又高於「學校以外之其他公共場所」;「時間充足」高於「時間緊迫」;「洗手台及水源充足」高於「洗手台及水源不足」;「有人提醒」高於「無人提醒」;「潔牙用具齊全」高於「缺少潔牙用具」。 三、研究對象之預防齲齒行為屬中等傾向積極,其中「我每天晚上睡前都會刷牙」、「我每天早上起床都會刷牙」較正向,「我每週都會使用含氟漱口水」較不足。 四、男生的「預防齲齒行為利益性認知」和「預防齲齒行為之行動線索」高於女生。七年級生之「預防齲齒行為」優於九年級生。 五、研究對象之「罹患性認知」、「利益性認知」、「行動線索」及「自我效能」越高者,而「障礙性認知」越低者,則越傾向採取「預防齲齒行為」。 六、性別、罹患性認知、障礙性認知、行動線索與自我效能對預防齲齒行為變異的解釋力為43.1%,其中以自我效能影響力最大;其次為障礙性認知。
  This research investigated preventive behavior of dental caries and related factors among junior high school students.   Samples were selected from 7th to 9th grade students and data were collected with a self-administered questionnaire by using stratified cluster sampling method. Total valid samples were 420.   The results of this research are as follows: 1.The score of oral healthy knowledge is higher than standard. The score of participants “perceived susceptibility of dental caries”, “perceived barriers of action to prevent dental caries" and “perceived benefits of action to prevent dental caries" is above the standard. The score in “perceived severity of dental caries" is below the medium. The contact degree of participants of “cues to action to prevent dental caries” is high. 2.The score of participants in “self-efficacy to prevent dental caries" is above the medium. Self-efficacy in different situations is as listed below. “At home” is higher than “at school”, and “at school” is higher than “at a public place except the school”. “There's plenty time” is higher than “there’s instant time”. “Sufficient wash basin and water source” is higher than “absent wash basin and water source”. “Reminded by someone” is higher than “no one reminded”.”Complete tooth apparatus” is higher than “absent tooth apparatus”. 3.The preventive behavior of dental caries of participants is higher than standard. Most popular preventive behaviors of dental caries are “I brushed my teeth every night before sleeping” and “I brushed my teeth every morning when I woke up”. The worst one is “I used mouthwash with fluoride every week”. 4.“Perceived benefits of action to prevent dental caries" of male is higher than female. The contact degree of participants of “cues to action to prevent dental caries” of male is higher than female. The 7th grade students show better “preventive behavior of dental caries” than 9th grade students. 5.The participants get high score in “Perceived susceptibility”, “Perceived benefits of action”, “cues to action to prevent dental caries”, “self-efficacy”, and low score in “Perceived barriers of action”, have a higher tendency to adopt “preventive behavior of dental caries”. 6.Sex, perceived susceptibility, perceived barriers of action, cue in action, and self-efficacy, explain 43.1% of participants’ decision to preventive behavior of dental caries measures. The most effective one is self-efficacy, and the next one is perceived barriers of action.



國中學生, 預防齲齒行為, 健康信念模式, junior high school students, preventive behavior of dental caries, Health Belief Model





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