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Graduate institute of library and information studies ,NTNU
Graduate institute of library and information studies ,NTNU
文學的內容與風格受到地理環境等因素影響,因此自古即有以地域作為文學區分類別的傳統。1936 年梁啟超提出「文學地理」的概念,注意到文學與地理的關係,1979 年陳正祥教授繪製了唐宋詩詞作者籍貫分布地圖,用以說明中國文化中心由北向南移動的事實與現象。近十年來,文學地域性與文學家地理分布的研究已經逐漸受到注意,然而多數都以作者籍貫分布為主,結合作者生平遊歷地及作品內容與地理環境關係作深入分析的研究比較少。同時在這段期間,地理資訊系統、遙測影像技術也快速發展,成為研究文學地理的有利工具,在臺灣學界已奠定相當深厚的基礎。李白、杜甫分別為盛唐中、後期被尊稱為詩仙、詩聖的重要詩人,韓愈提倡古文運動,為唐宋八大家之首,也是中唐時期極具代表性之詩人且三人的詩歌風格雖然不同,但是對於唐代詩歌之發展、轉變,具有關鍵樞紐的地位,三人一生足跡所及之範圍極廣,對當代與後代詩人及詩歌之發展影響深遠。本研究將以譚其驤唐代地圖、嚴耕望唐代交通圖、航照地圖、全唐詩、詩人年譜等數位資源為基礎,以三位詩人之生平遊歷、詩作及其人際交往關係,建構三位詩人一生之行吟地圖,進行文學(詩歌)、語言、人際交往與地理關係之研究,期能為語言、文學、地理的交叉學科研究開拓新的研究方向、研究方法與研究工具。本研究根據詩文推演出行吟路線與地點,仔細研究出地理位置,並重新檢視嚴耕望、譚其驤地圖,補充中央研究院所建立歷史地理資訊系統之數值地圖內容,透過文學作品與地圖兩相參照,釐清相關問題。所建構網站提供了文學地理研究與教學之應用平台,得以改變過去只偏重文字而忽略空間的文學研究與教學方式。
Geographic environments affect literary contents and genre and thus, since ancient times, geographical area has been used to classify Chinese literature. In 1936 Liang Qichao was keenlyaware of the relationship between literature and geography and brought up the idea of “literary geography”. In 1979 Professor Chen Zhengxiang produced maps of birthplaces of Tang and Song poets to show the shift of Chinese cultural center from north to south. Furthermore, in the past decade, the attention to research in literary geography and geographical distribution of writers gradually increased. However, most studies focused on geographical distribution of birthplaces of writers and very few focused on the relationship between poets’ journey and the contents of their writings and their geographic environment. Meanwhile, geographic information system and aerial photography have developed quickly and have become useful tools for the study of literary geography. Since then, the academic circles in Taiwan have built a solid foundation in this area. While Li Bai and Du Fu were called poetic immortal and poetic sage of the middle and end periods of the heyday of Tang Dynasty, respectively, Han Yu advocated the classical Chinese movement and became one of the eight great authors of Tang and Song dynasties. Han Yu was also the best representative of Middle Tang poets. While the styles of these three poets differed from each other, they held key positions in the development and evolution of Tang poetry. Their footprints spread all over the country and greatly affected later developments and contemporary of poetry. This project makes use of the digital Tang Dynasty maps by Tan Qixiang, Tang Dynasty transportation route maps by Yan Gengwang, aerial maps, the All Tang Poems, and chronicles of the poets to build the three poets’ relocation maps and study their poetic literature, language, geography, and interactions with others, in hopes of opening a new research direction and build research t
Geographic environments affect literary contents and genre and thus, since ancient times, geographical area has been used to classify Chinese literature. In 1936 Liang Qichao was keenlyaware of the relationship between literature and geography and brought up the idea of “literary geography”. In 1979 Professor Chen Zhengxiang produced maps of birthplaces of Tang and Song poets to show the shift of Chinese cultural center from north to south. Furthermore, in the past decade, the attention to research in literary geography and geographical distribution of writers gradually increased. However, most studies focused on geographical distribution of birthplaces of writers and very few focused on the relationship between poets’ journey and the contents of their writings and their geographic environment. Meanwhile, geographic information system and aerial photography have developed quickly and have become useful tools for the study of literary geography. Since then, the academic circles in Taiwan have built a solid foundation in this area. While Li Bai and Du Fu were called poetic immortal and poetic sage of the middle and end periods of the heyday of Tang Dynasty, respectively, Han Yu advocated the classical Chinese movement and became one of the eight great authors of Tang and Song dynasties. Han Yu was also the best representative of Middle Tang poets. While the styles of these three poets differed from each other, they held key positions in the development and evolution of Tang poetry. Their footprints spread all over the country and greatly affected later developments and contemporary of poetry. This project makes use of the digital Tang Dynasty maps by Tan Qixiang, Tang Dynasty transportation route maps by Yan Gengwang, aerial maps, the All Tang Poems, and chronicles of the poets to build the three poets’ relocation maps and study their poetic literature, language, geography, and interactions with others, in hopes of opening a new research direction and build research t