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檔案是政府機關處理業務之公文,是人類傳承經驗與了解過去的重要資訊,隨著政府業務資訊化、電腦化,電子公文檔案透過網路,不但縮短了業務處理時間,且利於交換與使用,然而也造成電子檔案的典藏問題。此外,國家檔案的電子檔,因其為具有永久保存價值,因此本研究將探討國家檔案永久典藏機制。   數位典藏的生命週期短暫,受限於軟硬體環境,加上檔案的儲存媒體損耗問題,使得數位資源的永久典藏面臨極大的挑戰。目前全球各國皆體認到數位資源永久典藏的困難,這幾年也不斷地投入研究計畫,其中OAIS參考模式為美國太空資訊系統諮詢委員會所發展,目前已通過ISO標準,可以應用於各種資料類型,而且OAIS參考模式提供了資訊模型及功能模型,其分別可做為詮釋資料格式設計及典藏系統規畫的參考。此外,OAIS參考模式為一個通用的架構,依OAIS參考模式的資訊模型所設計的詮釋資料格式,其檔案能互通與交換。   本研究採用文獻分析法及訪談法。用文獻分析法以了解數位資源長久保存議題、國家檔案及電子檔案特質、數位資源永久典藏相關計畫,並深入分析OAIS參考模式之理論架構及其應用;訪談法則談訪檔案管理局人員,以實際了解國家檔案的電子檔案在長久保存方面的看法及需求。   最後本研究依文獻分析及訪談調查結果,以OAIS參考模式規劃一個可應用於國家檔案的長久典藏系統,並設計三個資訊封包及其詮釋資料格式。此外,依據本研究結果,提出對檔案管理局之建議及未來研究建議,建議檔案管理局與機關協商傳送封包的規格及擬定相關法規,並對本研究規畫之系統與詮釋資料格式進行建置及修正,此外,針對檔案管理局、機關電子檔案長久保存、國家數位典藏三個方面提出未來研究建議。
Public records keep all information about the results of the government mechanism processes for decision-making and policies implementation. Government archives make people understand the convention of business processing in government. We need a certain kind of long-termed preservation mechanism for those national archives are worth keeping permanently in digital forms. Computerization shortens government business processing time, and makes electronic documents online exchange easier. However, there are some problems for preservation obviously. The study discusses all issues about how to design a long-termed preservation mechanism for electronic records in National Archives Administration. The life cycle of records stored in digital media is not as long as the printed material. One of solutions for electronic records preservation is OAIS reference model. It was developed by Consultative Committee and has become one of ISO standards. It includes information model for designing a long-term preservation metadata, function model for planning an archival system and principles for documents exchanging between organizations. All known issues about electronic records applied literature review under OAIS reference model as the major methodology, including digital resources and the characteristics of national electronic archives. Draft requirements for digital archives long-term preservation based on staff opinion analysis in National Archive Administration, including preservation system of National Archives, three information packages, and metadata. Finally, the result of the study provided some future research recommendations in the end.



OAIS, 永久典藏, 國家檔案, 電子檔案, 數位典藏, OAIS, long-term perservation, national archives, electronic record, electronic archives





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