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臺灣公共藝術經費執行分析(1999-2006年) 摘要 臺灣的公共藝術政策在政府公共政策主導下,於一九九二年通過「文化藝術獎助條例」,隨後在一九九八年發布「公共藝術設置辦法」,歷年來依此辦法所設置的公共藝術作品正逐年快速增加中。而這些年來公共藝術的設置經費,總金額高達13億元以上,每年平均上億元的經費來源,而特別的是這筆經費不是來自國家文化預算,也不來自補助形式,它是在法令制度的保護之下所產生的經費,是不可小看的一筆穩定財源,對於藝術家的挹注有一定程度的幫助。自從公共藝術設置案執行以來,除每年文建會對當年度的公共藝術進行作品的統計與簡單的分析外,對整個公共藝術經費執行的情形卻沒有完整的討論與分析,本研究希望藉由經費執行分析來探討目前經費執行所產生的問題。 本研究以文建會所出版的公共藝術年鑑為主要研究對象,藉由1999年至2006年的年鑑中所有公共藝術作品予以彙整分析,分別由公共藝術法令政策發展歷程與作業執行現況,來探討公共藝術經費執行所產生的問題,進行歸納與探討。研究內容主要包含三大部分:臺灣公共藝術發展歷程、臺灣公共藝術作業探討、臺灣公共藝術經費執行分析。 本研究經由公共藝術法令政策發展歷程的探討與作業執行現況分析,歸納結論如下:公共藝術作品設置數量城鄉差異過大、落實照顧藝術家、公共藝術政策的延續性。最後,本研究建議部分希望能提供未來公共藝術設置辦法修法時的參考意見。 關鍵字:公共藝術、經費執行
Analysis of the implementation of funding for public art in Taiwan (1999-2006) Abstract With the guidance of government’s public policy in Taiwan, the public art policy “Statute for Encouraging the Development of Culture and the Arts” was approved in 1992. The “public art establishing regulations” was published afterwards in 1998, and the established public artworks are gradually increasing year after year. All these years, the public art had a total funding of over 1.3 billion dollars, with an average of over 100 million dollars each year. In particular the funding is not from National cultural budget, nor from subsidy; it is a funding generated with the protection of governmental regulations, which is a sustainable funding and is able to provide help to the artists to some extent. Since the establishment of public art project, other than the compiled statistics and simple analysis on the yearly public artworks from the Council for Cultural Affairs, these is no integrated discussion or analysis on overall implementation of funding for public art; based on the analysis of implementation of funding, this research is expected to discuss the generated issues of current implementation of funding. This research uses public art almanac published by Council for Cultural Affairs as the main research object. With the analysis of all public artworks published between 1999 and 2006, and based on development process of public art policy and the current status of implementation and operation, to discuss and conclude the generated issues on implementation of funding for public art. The three major parts of the research contents are as following: the development process of public art in Taiwan, the discussion of public art operation in Taiwan, and the analysis of implementation of funding for public art in Taiwan. With the discussion of development process of public art policy and the analysis of current status in public art implementation and operation, this research concludes as follow: The differences between urban and rural areas in public artwork establishment is huge, practicable taking care of the artists, and the continuity of public art policy. At last, this research proposes the reference suggestions for public art regulation amendment in the future. Keywords: public art, implementation of funding



公共藝術, 經費執行, public art, implementation of funding





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