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本研究目的在探討內部稽核人員「前瞻性人格特質」、「角色拓展自我效能」對「前瞻性行為」、「洞察力」及「工作滿意度」的關係與影響,以及「角色拓展自我效能」是否扮演中介效果。本研究利用網路與紙本問卷,蒐集了448位不同行業的內部稽核人員,女性328人(73.2%),男性120人(26.8%),整體平均年齡為46.4歲。各量表經項目分析、主軸因素分析與檢驗結果,均有良好的信效度,並利用SPSS進行研究變項相關與階層迴歸分析。另以SPSS 外掛PROCESS分析模組進行 Sobel 檢定(Sobel test),觀察「中介變數的間接效果是否達顯著」與使用拔靴法(bootstrapping) 計算「各效果信賴區間」作為另兩種中介效果的檢驗方法。
With the development of information technology and industry, the evolution of business models, the expansion of enterprise-scale, and organizational innovation and transformation and transformation, operating activities and transactions may become more diverse and complex. There are various risk scenarios hidden in the internal operations of enterprises, which in turn causes problems such as non-compliance, inefficiency, low quality, and high costs. Take a public company as an example. According to the law, an internal audit unit under the board of directors must be established, and through internal audits, the board and management will assist the board of directors and management to provide confirmatory services on the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization’s various operations, to obtain correct information for the most effective Improvement and management to ensure the continuous and effective implementation of the internal control system. Therefore, internal auditors need to have a wide range of professional knowledge, use various inspection techniques to check and evaluate whether the internal control system is operating effectively, and provide suggestions for improvement promptly to reasonably ensure that the internal control system is continuously and effectively implemented and to review and modify the internal control system The basis for the company's operation can achieve the company's operational goals with the most efficient and effective operation. Therefore, in this context, internal auditors are highly expected to assist the organization in eliminating abuses, and to create value, highlighting its importance in the organization. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship and influence of the proactive personality of internal auditors, role breadth self-efficacy on proactive behavior, insight and job satisfaction, and whether role breadth self-efficacy plays a mediating effect. This study used the Internet and paper questionnaires to collect 448 internal auditors from different industries, including 328 women (73.2%) and 120 men (26.8%). The overall average age was 46.4 years. All scales have good reliability and validity after item analysis, spindle factor analysis, and test results, and SPSS is used to carry out research variable correlation and hierarchical regression analysis. Besides, use the SPSS external PROCESS analysis module to perform Sobel test to observe whether the indirect effect of the mediation change is significant or not and use the bootstrapping method to calculate the "confidence interval of each effect" as a test for the other two mediation effects method. The analysis results show that there is a significant positive correlation between the variables such as proactive personality traits, role breadth self-efficacy, proactive behavior, job satisfaction, and insight of internal auditors; Secondly, proactive personality can directly affect proactive behavior, insight, and job satisfaction, and can also indirectly affect proactive behavior, insight, and job satisfaction through role breadth self-efficacy. Besides, the results of the multi-sample analysis found that the higher the job rank of internal auditors, the number of professional licenses obtained the more proactive personality, the more prominent; the higher the education level, the higher the job rank and the more professional licenses obtained, the higher the role breadth self-efficacy, proactive behavior, insight and job satisfaction. It shows that the training process and professional competence of internal auditors are related to the mechanism verified by this research. In addition to the discussion of the research results, this research also puts forward practical practices and suggestions on the role breadth self-efficacy、proactive behavior、insight and job satisfaction of internal auditors, and is expected to make substantial contributions to the management practice of the enterprise organization.
With the development of information technology and industry, the evolution of business models, the expansion of enterprise-scale, and organizational innovation and transformation and transformation, operating activities and transactions may become more diverse and complex. There are various risk scenarios hidden in the internal operations of enterprises, which in turn causes problems such as non-compliance, inefficiency, low quality, and high costs. Take a public company as an example. According to the law, an internal audit unit under the board of directors must be established, and through internal audits, the board and management will assist the board of directors and management to provide confirmatory services on the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization’s various operations, to obtain correct information for the most effective Improvement and management to ensure the continuous and effective implementation of the internal control system. Therefore, internal auditors need to have a wide range of professional knowledge, use various inspection techniques to check and evaluate whether the internal control system is operating effectively, and provide suggestions for improvement promptly to reasonably ensure that the internal control system is continuously and effectively implemented and to review and modify the internal control system The basis for the company's operation can achieve the company's operational goals with the most efficient and effective operation. Therefore, in this context, internal auditors are highly expected to assist the organization in eliminating abuses, and to create value, highlighting its importance in the organization. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship and influence of the proactive personality of internal auditors, role breadth self-efficacy on proactive behavior, insight and job satisfaction, and whether role breadth self-efficacy plays a mediating effect. This study used the Internet and paper questionnaires to collect 448 internal auditors from different industries, including 328 women (73.2%) and 120 men (26.8%). The overall average age was 46.4 years. All scales have good reliability and validity after item analysis, spindle factor analysis, and test results, and SPSS is used to carry out research variable correlation and hierarchical regression analysis. Besides, use the SPSS external PROCESS analysis module to perform Sobel test to observe whether the indirect effect of the mediation change is significant or not and use the bootstrapping method to calculate the "confidence interval of each effect" as a test for the other two mediation effects method. The analysis results show that there is a significant positive correlation between the variables such as proactive personality traits, role breadth self-efficacy, proactive behavior, job satisfaction, and insight of internal auditors; Secondly, proactive personality can directly affect proactive behavior, insight, and job satisfaction, and can also indirectly affect proactive behavior, insight, and job satisfaction through role breadth self-efficacy. Besides, the results of the multi-sample analysis found that the higher the job rank of internal auditors, the number of professional licenses obtained the more proactive personality, the more prominent; the higher the education level, the higher the job rank and the more professional licenses obtained, the higher the role breadth self-efficacy, proactive behavior, insight and job satisfaction. It shows that the training process and professional competence of internal auditors are related to the mechanism verified by this research. In addition to the discussion of the research results, this research also puts forward practical practices and suggestions on the role breadth self-efficacy、proactive behavior、insight and job satisfaction of internal auditors, and is expected to make substantial contributions to the management practice of the enterprise organization.
內部稽核人員, 前瞻性人格特質, 角色拓展自我效能, 前瞻性行為, 洞察力, 工作滿意度, internal auditors, proactive personality, role breadth self-efficacy, proactive behavior, insight, job satisfaction