
dc.contributorJhang, Cian-Hueien_US
dc.contributor.authorWu, Pei-Ranen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討腦中風患者重返職場之就業歷程。研究者邀請三位已患有腦中風且目前持續工作一年以上者,進行本研究的參與。三位研究參與者的年齡介於四十二歲至四十七歲,其中兩位為男性,一位為女性。此研究採質性研究的方式進行深入訪談,邀請研究參與者述說其腦中風重返職場的生命經驗,並透過敘事的方式歸納呈現整體的研究結果。 根據研究結果顯示,腦中風患者從經歷腦中風到重返職場的就業歷程共可分為五個階段,其中包含腦中風前的就業經歷、腦中風醫療期、復健期、尋職期、重返職場等五個階段歷程。腦中風患者重返職場所面臨的挑戰,可歸納共同幾點為轉換原本職業或工作內容、職場人際關係的改變、障礙和體能的限制影響工作表現、心理因素影響對工作的想法,此外個人事件的挑戰為家人反對重返職場就業。在面對挑戰的因應方式為調整職務或重新尋職培養專業技能、反思與同事相處溝通的方式、調整就醫時間並善用保健食品維持健康、找到適合自己的方式展現出工作能力、保持開闊的心胸轉變對工作的想法等為其因應的方式,而個人事件的因應方式是做出具體行動與家人溝通獲得認同。腦中風患者重返職場的獲益為接觸外在刺激及人際互動使復原速度加快、心境跟著轉變充滿正向動力、獲得收入減輕生活經濟負擔、找到人生目標生活不再無聊、思緒變得有條理有助邏輯思考的能力都是研究發現的獲益。 基於研究結果,針對腦中風患者、公私立部門、職業重建服務、職場雇主及同事、腦中風患者家人等給予不同的建議方向,並對研究限制及未來研究的建議提出其他的看法,期待本研究對腦中風患者重返職場的就業能有所幫助,鼓勵腦中風患者積極參與社會生活就業。 關鍵詞:腦中風患者、重返職場、就業歷程zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study is to explore stroke patients reentering the job market. Three people who had been suffering from stroke and had worked more than one year were invited by the researcher to participate in the study. The age of three study participants ranged from 42 to 47. They are two males and one female. Qualitative research within-depth interviews with participants was used in this study. Participants were invited to describe their life experiences of returning to work after strokes. The general result was summarized by narrative method. The result of the study shows there are five stages for stroke patients from stroke to return to work, which are prior stroke employment experience, medical treatment period, rehabilitation period, job searching period, and backing to the workplace. The challenges that stroke patients facing can be commonly concluded as changes of the original job or job content, changes of interpersonal relationships in the workplace, barriers and physical limitations affecting performance, and psychological factors affecting the thinking of work. Moreover, the opposite opinion to returning to work from the family is the personal challenge. The response to face the challenges is adjusting their jobs or finding other jobs with developing professional skills, rethinking ways to communicate with colleagues, adjusting the time for medical consultation and making good use of dietary supplement to maintain health, finding a suitable way to show their working ability, and being open minded and changing mindset of changing jobs. The solution for the personal event is to make concrete actions to gain identity from family members by communication. The benefits for stroke patients reentering the job market are to gain quicker recovery speed, to change the mood with positive thinking, to gain income and to start learning how to manage money, and to find the goal of life so that life is no longer boring, and to think more logical. Those all benefits are found by this research. Based on the findings, different directions are suggested for stroke patients, the public and private sectors, occupational rehabilitation services, employers and colleagues in the workplace, and family members of stroke patients. In addition, the alternative opinions on research limitations and future research recommendations are proposed. It is expected that this study can be a help for stroke patients to return to work, encouraging them to participate in social life and be employed actively. Key words: stroke patients, reentering the job market, employment processen_US
dc.subjectstroke patientsen_US
dc.subjectreentering the job marketen_US
dc.subjectemployment processen_US
dc.titleThe Adjustment Process of Returning to Work in Persons with Stroke Experiencesen_US


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