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Department of Geography, NTNU
Department of Geography, NTNU
由於我國學校教育過於著重升學考試,以致一向重視認知領域的知識教育而忽略情意領域的價值教育,因此,培養學生之環境價值觀成為當務之急。另一方面,九年一貫課程實施在即,嘗試以合科統整和基本能力的養成為其標榜的兩大精神,而環境價值教學適可在此發揮重要功能。換言之,九年一貫課程的合科統整精神可由環境價值教學切入。因此本研究旨在針對環境價值教學進行前置作業探討,了解其在九年一貫課程中的角色,並且從目前現況、日後需求及未來展望等面向,作出有效和妥切的評估與規劃。 透過文獻蒐集、問卷調查和訪談,本研究探討了目前國中生的環境意識和環境價值的一般狀況、內部差異和影響因素,並且進一步了解校方及教師在推行環境教育時所面臨的狀況與困難。最後,以上述發現為基礎,提出了強化國中環境價值教育的方向和途徑。經由研究得知:國內學童已具備相當程度的環境意識,但知識面的得分顯然高於態度面,而預期行為、承諾和參與面的得分更低。另外也發現,多數學校對環境教育的重視仍然不夠,時間要財政、場地、行政配合及教師能力等均為主要的障礙因素。受訪老師也有意願竭盡一己之力。但如何能針對學生需要,在課程、教材、教法與評量上有效地搭配,當為未來的重點所在。
Teaching in Taiwan is traditionally exam-oriented. The status of knowledge-based cognitive domain education has dominated that of value-based affective education. On the other hand, a newly developed Nine-Year-In-One-Strand curriculum has been carried out recently. The design of this curriculum has adopted "integration of subjects" and "cultivation of students' capabilities" as its two major objectives. In this connection, environmental value education with affective domain training as its target may appropriately play a very critical role in fulfilling the above-said spirits within the new curriculum. Hence this study intends to aim at the understanding of the current situation and future prospect of environmental value education in Taiwan schools. Based on documentation, questionnairing and focus interviewing, this paper firstly examines the environmental awareness and values of junior high students, as well as their internal variation and underlying determinants. On the other hand, and in-depth analysis on the opinions of certain schools and their teachers about current status and drawbacks in dealing with environmental education is then accomplished. Finally, with the above findings as basis, recommendations to enhance environmental values education are proposed.
Teaching in Taiwan is traditionally exam-oriented. The status of knowledge-based cognitive domain education has dominated that of value-based affective education. On the other hand, a newly developed Nine-Year-In-One-Strand curriculum has been carried out recently. The design of this curriculum has adopted "integration of subjects" and "cultivation of students' capabilities" as its two major objectives. In this connection, environmental value education with affective domain training as its target may appropriately play a very critical role in fulfilling the above-said spirits within the new curriculum. Hence this study intends to aim at the understanding of the current situation and future prospect of environmental value education in Taiwan schools. Based on documentation, questionnairing and focus interviewing, this paper firstly examines the environmental awareness and values of junior high students, as well as their internal variation and underlying determinants. On the other hand, and in-depth analysis on the opinions of certain schools and their teachers about current status and drawbacks in dealing with environmental education is then accomplished. Finally, with the above findings as basis, recommendations to enhance environmental values education are proposed.