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棄物處理為一個國家對於環境衛生注重的表現,西方社會運用科技製造出千萬種產品,不僅堅固可靠,在處理上更是困難。執政者為因應廢棄物日益成長,不斷於各地興設掩埋場及焚化廠,以解決垃圾無處可去的問題。現行垃圾焚化廠均負有教育宣導的使命,可否藉焚化廠既有設施,提升焚化廠環境教育服務的品質,作為環保機關選擇環境教育場地之決策參考,為本研究探討重點。 研究結果發現,各縣市垃圾焚化廠都具備有良好的多媒體簡報設施及會議室,營運管理部分由政府負擔,並無經費與管理問題,並有專業的人員負責導覽,有幾個廠除本身焚化爐設施外,另有多重參訪目標之課程安排,搭配附近教學資源,成為一系列的環境教育課程,交通運輸多元化選擇,除導覽活動外另有動手做的課程、戶外教學、不定期辦理主題活動、提供專業研習、辦理環境解說及每年辦理特別企劃活動。 最後針對研究結果提出對大型垃圾焚化廠提昇環境教育服務之可行性之建議。就提昇環境教育服務之建議為:環境教育須完整地包含環境覺知與環境敏感度、環境知識概念內涵、環境倫理價值觀、環境行動技能、環境行動經驗等五個教育目標,才能落實環境教育的理念。現行的教育宣導工作為單向的傳授知識,需要經由互動來產生意見交流或回饋,建議參考教育部九年一貫課程綱要,設計符合各種年齡層的環境教育課程。在設施方面,可多進行廠區周邊各項教育資源、機關設施,並與其合作,更有助於發展課程方案。
The solid waste treatment is degradable with a simple composition in the past agricultural era and could be treated back to nature by landfill. However, the industrial revolution had transformed traditional agricultural lifestyle into a “mass production, mass consumption, mass abandon” one. This study tries through the retaining facilities of MSW incinerators to upgrade the quality of quality of MSW incinerator’s environmental education and to be a reference for environmental policy formulation. By questionnaires consisting of what environmental education facilities they have right now, which condition it is, the environmental education properties and the demand for development to the remaining 24 refuse incineration plant, this study shows that there is not enough environmental education facilities to develop diversified lessons and there are diversified facilities without abundant environmental education lessons in some plants. Most of the lessons are deficient in environmental education objective: perceptual awareness, conceptual knowledge, attitude and ethics, skills and action participation. They should replenish qualified environmental education persons and set a team to give fresh impetus to their environmental education service. By the end, we put forward the suggestion about the feasibility of upgrading environmental education service in refuse incineration plant. That is: (1) To add more interactional activities in order to increase opinions or viewpoints feedback. (2) To design lessons combined with local characteristics or other on site resources. (3) To pay attention to staff training and management, make sure all staffs are with proper Environmental Literacy and Sustainable Development viewpoint in order to provide the right concept through their Environmental Education Service. Key words: Environmental Education, MSW incinerators



環境教育, 焚化廠, Environmental Education, MSW incinerators





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