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摘 要
本研究主要的目的在於探討晨間空腹後從事運動中與運動後的能量代謝、生理反應情形與對耐力運動表現的影響。本研究以十二位國立台灣師範大學體育學系的健康男性為受試對象。年齡20.1 ± 1.1歲;身高:175.5 ± 6.公分;體重70.8 ±6.2公斤;最大攝氧量52.91 ±6.80ml/kg/min。依實驗平衡次序法每位受試者分別在空腹與進食(500Kcal)的狀態下,在跑步機上先以45﹪VO2max低強度慢跑15分鐘,接著再以85﹪VO2max的高強度跑步運動至衰竭。運動中紀錄其心跳率、攝氧量、呼吸交換率、自覺努力程度與恢復期第5與第10分鐘之乳酸值。實驗結果以相依樣本t檢定考驗空腹與進食狀態下各生理變相的差異。實驗結果如下:
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of the overnight fast on exercise metabolism and performance. Twelve male physical education students (age 20.17 ±1.11; height 175.50 ±6.53; weight 70.75 ±6.27;VO2max 52.91 ±6.80ml/kg/min) participated in this study. Under counter-balance design, every participant runs on a treadmill at 45﹪VO2max running for 15minutes followed by a 85﹪VO2max running to exhaustion under dieted or overnight-fasted state respectively. Heart rate, oxygen uptake, respiratory exchange ratio, rate of perceived exertion and the lactate concentration at 5th and 10th minute in recovery period are measured when exercising. The measured data were analyzed by pair-t analysis to determine the difference on physiological variables between dieted and fasted state. The main findings of this study are: 1、 There is no significant difference in heart rate, oxygen uptake and respiratory exchangeratio between exercising in dieted and fated state. 2、 When exercising in high intensity, there are no difference on the rate of perceived exertion at 5th 10th 15th minute between dieted and fasted state. 3、 In the recovery period, the lactate concentration has no difference at 5th and 10th minute between dieted and fasted state. 4、 The amount time of the high-intensity running to exhaustion is no difference between dieted and fasted state. 5、 The concentration of free fatty acid in fasted state is significantly higher than in dieted state, no matter in rest or exercising. The conclusion of this study is that exercising after overnight fast would increase the mobilization of fat and result in changes in physiological metabolism but not on sport performance. This finding might be implied to the strategy of exercise prescription for fat consumption. Overnight fast has no effect on the time to exhaustion so that it is inadequate as an ergogenic aid for sport performance. Therefore, it is still suggested that athletes should have adequate supplement when participating in training or high-intensity exercise to face the challenges of training and contests.
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of the overnight fast on exercise metabolism and performance. Twelve male physical education students (age 20.17 ±1.11; height 175.50 ±6.53; weight 70.75 ±6.27;VO2max 52.91 ±6.80ml/kg/min) participated in this study. Under counter-balance design, every participant runs on a treadmill at 45﹪VO2max running for 15minutes followed by a 85﹪VO2max running to exhaustion under dieted or overnight-fasted state respectively. Heart rate, oxygen uptake, respiratory exchange ratio, rate of perceived exertion and the lactate concentration at 5th and 10th minute in recovery period are measured when exercising. The measured data were analyzed by pair-t analysis to determine the difference on physiological variables between dieted and fasted state. The main findings of this study are: 1、 There is no significant difference in heart rate, oxygen uptake and respiratory exchangeratio between exercising in dieted and fated state. 2、 When exercising in high intensity, there are no difference on the rate of perceived exertion at 5th 10th 15th minute between dieted and fasted state. 3、 In the recovery period, the lactate concentration has no difference at 5th and 10th minute between dieted and fasted state. 4、 The amount time of the high-intensity running to exhaustion is no difference between dieted and fasted state. 5、 The concentration of free fatty acid in fasted state is significantly higher than in dieted state, no matter in rest or exercising. The conclusion of this study is that exercising after overnight fast would increase the mobilization of fat and result in changes in physiological metabolism but not on sport performance. This finding might be implied to the strategy of exercise prescription for fat consumption. Overnight fast has no effect on the time to exhaustion so that it is inadequate as an ergogenic aid for sport performance. Therefore, it is still suggested that athletes should have adequate supplement when participating in training or high-intensity exercise to face the challenges of training and contests.
空腹, 運動表現, 能量代謝, fast, performanc, metabolism