

本研究主要探討高雄市國中小智能障礙學生家長對於性侵害的防治知識、 態度、教導經驗之現況及相關影響因素。本研究採問卷調查法,針對就讀高雄市國中小之智能障礙學生家長為對象,有效樣本共312名,以自編的「國中小智能障礙學生家長性侵害防治教育實施調查問卷」為研究工具來進行資料收集。最後再將所得之資料以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法進行處理,藉以瞭解國中小階段智能障礙學生家長在性侵害防治教育上實施現況,主要結果如下: 一、在性侵害防治知識方面,智能障礙學生家長以「智障兒童遭受性侵害之迷思」答題正確率答對率最低,為性侵害防治知識中較不熟悉的部分。 二、智能障礙學生家長對於智障兒童性侵害防治態度持正面態度,其中以「對於智能障礙學生瞭解身體自主權和兩性平等的看法」的態度最為正向。 三、智能障礙學生家長在「性侵害防治教育教導經驗」方面,教學內容以「認識自己的身體」所佔的比率最高;教學方式以口頭說明為最多;教學原則以把握隨機教育的機會最多;遭遇困難以不知如何拿捏講解的尺度和範圍最多;教學需求以提供性侵害防治知識的介紹最多。 四、就性侵害防治知識整體得分而言,會因為智能障礙學生家長的教育程度及職業類別而有差異,至於其他背景變項則無顯著差異。 五、就性侵害防治態度整體得分而言,則因為家長教育程度、職業等級、子女障礙程度而有差異,至於其他背景變項則無顯著差異。 六、治教導經驗整體則不因家長性別、年齡、教育程度、職業、子女就讀學校類別、子女性別及子女障礙程度而有所差異。 七、國中小智能障礙學生家長在性侵害防治知識與防治態度間、性侵害防治知識與教導經驗間及性侵害防治態度與教導經驗間,三方面皆呈顯著的正相關。 最後再根據上述研究結果做進一步討論並提出相關建議,以供家長及相關教育推廣單位參考。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the parents of the mentally retarded (MR) students in elementary/junior high schools in Kaohsiung city concerning their knowledge, attitudes, teaching experiences and the related influence factors of practicing preventive education in the sexual assault. In this research, a self-designed questionnaire – To survey how the Parents of the Mentally Retarded Students in Elementary/Junior High School to Practice A Preventive Education in Sexual Assaults-- was distributed to the parents whose children are MR and collected 312 valid shares. In the final phase of the project, questionnaires were analyzed quantitatively in order to have a thorough understanding on how these parents instruct their children in preventive education concerning sexual assaults. The main findings of this study were as follows:(1)In terms of knowledge regarding sexual assaults, parents lacked knowledge of related myths about child sexual assault.(2)In terms of attitudes regarding sexual assault, parents had positive attitudes toward sexual assault, especially the attitude of right of body autonomy and gender equality.(3)In terms of instructive experience regarding sexual assault, most parents instructed「understanding of own bodies」to their MR children. Most parents used oral approach to instruct their MR children. The majority of parents held situational education to instruct their MR children. Most parents felt that the main problem of implementing preventive education was: they cannot hold the proper range to their MR children and most parents demand introduction of knowledge regarding sexual assault.(4)Parent’s knowledge of preventive education was influenced by their education levels as well as vocations.(5)Parent’s attitudes of preventive education was affected by their vocations, education levels and their children’s grades.(6)Parent’s instructive experience of preventive education was not influenced by their age, gender, level of education, occupations, children’s school type, children’s gender and children’s grades.(7) There were significant correlations among knowledge, attitudes and instructive experience of prevention of sexual assault;knowledge and attitudes of prevention of sexual assault were positively correlated;knowledge and instructive experience of prevention of sexual assault were positively correlated;attitudes and instructive experience of prevention of sexual assault were also positively correlated.



性侵害, 智能障礙, 性知識, 性態度, sexual assault, mental retardation, sexual knowledge, sexual attitude





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