二週運動減肥對女性肥胖基因(ob gene)表現之影響

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由於先前研究顯示,節食減肥方式會抑制肥胖基因表現,造成食慾失控而令減肥計 畫失敗,本研究則以運動減肥方式,探討其對肥胖基因表現之影響,藉此觀察節食減肥和運動 減肥之差異。研究以7位女性受試者,接受連續二週每天6小時,總里程1200km單車運動減肥 訓練,並在實驗第一天、第八天和第十五天抽血及測量,觀察血中肥胖基因(obese gene)分泌 物肥胖蛋白(Obese-protein)或稱瘦身蛋白(Leptin)變化情形,及體重、身體質量指數(BMI) 與皮層厚度等之變化。結果如下:(一)減肥成效,全體受試者在二週運動減肥後體重平均減少 4.2±0.3kg(7.4%),BMI減少1.5±0.3(6.8%),五部位皮層厚度總合減少61.5±5.1mm(50.8%),皆達顯著 差異水準(P<0.05)。(二)肥胖基因表現,在運動減肥期間先降後升,前、中、後三次測量值間皆 達顯著差異水準(P<0.05),但前、後測間則無顯著差異(P>0.05)。 本研究結果發現,受試者在運動減肥過程中,肥胖基因的表現並未隨著體脂肪的減少而持續降 低,這和先前節食減肥降低肥胖基因表現的研究結果相異,此意味著,對長期減肥者而言,運動 減肥應是較為理想的選擇。因為,運動減肥可能較節食減肥更能避免對肥胖基因正常表現的干 擾,因而可以防止節食減肥後期食慾失控情形的發生,對長期減肥者而言,應是非常重要的。然 而,運動增加肥胖基因表現的機轉,仍有待進一步研究探討。
It has been reported that using diet to reduce weight repressed the expression of obese gene, which consequently caused loss of control of appetite, and failed the program. In this study exercise was employed to investigate its effect on obese protein level, trying to distingugish the difference between the outcomes of weight reduction by diet and by exercise. Seven female subjects were given a weight-reduction plan composed of 6 hr bicycling every day for consecutive 2 weeks for total distance 1200 km. Blood samples were taken at the 1st, 8th, and 15th days and analyzed for the plasma level of leptin, product of OB gene. The changes in weight, body mass index (BMI) and skinfolds were also recorded. The following results obtained: (1) After two weeks of exercise, the averages of weight, BMI and the total thickness skinfold taken from 5 different body parts were significantly (P<0.05) reduced by 4.2�0.3kg (7.4%), 1.5�0.3 (6.8%) and 61.5�5.1mm (50.8%) repectively, (2) The expressions of OB gene were markedly different between two consecutive sample drawing points (P<0.05), though no difference was observed between the first and the last sample. The results of present study showed that during the exercise training the leptin levels of the subjects did not decrease along with the reduction of body fat, distinctly different from the data achieved from the diet study. This indicates that exercise training might be a better way to reduce weight than limiting intake of food by avoiding influence on the OB gene expression, and preventing losing control of appetite. For long term maintenance of body weight exercise also seems a better choice, though the mechanism of its effect on leptin will need further investigation.







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