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過去十年食安風暴,促使政府修法保障消費者權益,本研究以資訊設計理論為基礎,從使用者角度探討消費者閱讀食品包裝資訊行為、面臨的困難、解決方法及對市售健康食品包裝之易讀性、可讀性與尋獲度問題。採用關鍵事件訪談法與實驗法,並透過網路招募及滾雪球法,招募研究對象為40~59歲平均一週一次至實體通路採購包裝食品者,最終招募到之有效樣本共42位,並隨機分派21位參與前測實驗、另21位參與後測實驗。 分析結果發現,消費者日常購物時閱讀資訊量多寡取決於通路、產品熟悉度及食用對象,當面臨到難以理解的成分資訊及字級過小問題,通常會使用智慧型手機解決。實驗結果顯示,提升資訊易讀性及資訊擺放位置符合消費者閱讀習慣都可提高尋獲度。研究中也發現包裝資訊除了提高尋獲度與易讀性是不夠的,過去十年經歷食品風暴過後,已重挫消費者之信心。當消費者在閱讀食品包裝資訊時,食品認證及代言人資訊不再是選購決策依據,更注重的是成分及產地資訊。建議政府除了持續為民眾把關食品安全,獲取消費者對政府認證之信任外,也建議政府於新政策上路宣導時,可同時進行推廣以教育消費者正確閱讀及認識食品包裝資訊。
The food safety scandals and incidents happened in the past ten years have prompted Taiwan government to protect consumers' rights through law amendment. This study explores users' reading behavior, difficulties encountered, and problem solving when reading information on the food packages. It also aims to discover the design principals of legibility, readability, and findability on the health food package from users' perspectives. The Critical Incident Interview Technique and experiment engaged 42 participants aged from 40 to 59, and had purchased packaged food in the physical channel once a week on an average. The participants were recruited through Internet recruitment and snowball sampling. The amount of information that consumers read in their daily shopping scenario is dependent on different type of shopping venue, familiarity with the product, and consumers of the food. When faced with difficulty to comprehend ingredient information and font size, the participants tend to solve the frustration by camera function on smart phones. Experiment results indicated that improving legibility and information placement in line with consumer reading habits and preference may improve information findability. Consumers no longer regard food certification and endorser as purchasing criteria, as a result of food safety scandal. In addition to improving legibility and findability, packaging information should completely reveal ingredient information and country of origin. It is recommended that the Government promotes the continuing nutrition education on consumer when announcing the new policy.



資訊設計, 可用性測試, 健康食品, 包裝資訊, Information Design, usability testing, health food, food package information





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