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本研究蒐集台灣8大公股行庫發展FinTech相關金融商品之實際數據,依動態競爭理論之市場共同性與資源相似性兩個構面,進行競爭者圖像分析,並以8大公股行庫於 2016年至2018年間,所推出21項FinTech商品上線時程,進行彼此攻擊競爭之回應速度與回應率分析,以實證動態競爭理論。
This study is based on the "Competitive Dynamics" concept. Actual Data from twenty-one FinTech products refered between 2016 to 2018 by Taiwan's eight major government-owned banks will be applied to the market commonality-resource similarity model to analyze and predict competitor behavior between rival banks under asymmetric competition. Empirical analysis suggests that the following statements align with the Competitive Dynamics Theory. 1.When market commonality is greater, the competitor's response to the initial competitive action will be greater. 2.When resource similarity is greater, the competitor's response to the initial competitive action will be greater. 3.The predicted results from the market commonality test are more accurate than the results from the resource similarity test. 4.Finally, when there is asymmetric competition, the competitors' strategy for competition may or may not be different. Empirical analysis suggests that the following statements diverge with the Competitive Dynamics Theory. 1.When market commonality is greater, the competitor's action to its competitor may not be low. 2.When resource similarity is greater, the competitor's action to its competitor may not be low.
This study is based on the "Competitive Dynamics" concept. Actual Data from twenty-one FinTech products refered between 2016 to 2018 by Taiwan's eight major government-owned banks will be applied to the market commonality-resource similarity model to analyze and predict competitor behavior between rival banks under asymmetric competition. Empirical analysis suggests that the following statements align with the Competitive Dynamics Theory. 1.When market commonality is greater, the competitor's response to the initial competitive action will be greater. 2.When resource similarity is greater, the competitor's response to the initial competitive action will be greater. 3.The predicted results from the market commonality test are more accurate than the results from the resource similarity test. 4.Finally, when there is asymmetric competition, the competitors' strategy for competition may or may not be different. Empirical analysis suggests that the following statements diverge with the Competitive Dynamics Theory. 1.When market commonality is greater, the competitor's action to its competitor may not be low. 2.When resource similarity is greater, the competitor's action to its competitor may not be low.
動態競爭, 市場共同性, 資源相似性, 競爭不對稱性, 銀行, 金融科技, Competitive Dynamics, Market commonality, Resource similarity, Asymmetric competition, Bank, FinTech, Financial Technology