
dc.contributorChen, Kuo-Chuanen_US
dc.contributor.authorChang, Yu-Lunen_US
dc.description.abstract西元1968年,教育部正式將國民中學階段納入具有普及、義務與強制性質的國民教育,五十餘年來,國中課程歷經過多次的調整與變革。國民教育的課程目標是以「民族精神教育」和「國民生活教育」為中心,在2002年以前,《課程標準》中的社會學科和公民與道德科課程,偏重在「陶冶民族意識」的民族精神教育目標;在2002年以後,《課程綱要》中的社會(學習)領域課程,則從「協助個人社會化歷程」的十大目標,再到「培育學生面對未來、開展不同生涯所需的公民素養」為旨,而改以偏重國民生活教育為課程的核心。本研究基於《十二年國民基本教育課程綱要》實踐素養導向課程與教學的教育宗旨,以「問題導向學習」(Problem-Based Learning,PBL)的概念,應用於國中社會領域課程的教學設計與實踐,並檢視實施的過程與成效。研究過程中採用行動研究法的精神,於桃園市某市區大型國中針對七、八、九年級學生,在110學年度上、下學期共4次段考區間,分別進行6~8課次的PBL教學設計與實施、作業評量與檢核,並針對學生學習的過程與結果進行反思與修正,一方面試圖調整與發展一套適合國中學生程度的PBL方法與實施步驟,另一方面則用以落實十二年國教課程的精神與目標。為了在國中階段社會領域課程實踐PBL的方法,本研究透過簡化與調整醫學院PBL的實施流程、應用5W1H法協助學生分析與界定問題、設計同時採用分組和個人之雙軌學習單於PBL分組教學活動、設計PBL作業評量單檢視學生自主學習成效,與建立PBL步驟向度評分標準用以分析學生在PBL的學習結果等。而本研究的結果顯示:1.學生在歷次PBL分組共學的成績可能呈現進步或退步的趨勢,但在個人自主學習的成績則呈現進步的趨勢;2.各年級學生在PBL分組和個人學習時表現較優的向度並不相同,但整體以「獲得知識基礎階段」的表現優於「問題探究階段」的表現;3.實施PBL可能有助於學生展現分組共學的學習成效,與在問題探究實作的過程中表現出不同向度的能力,但對於學生在校的段考成績並沒有明顯的影響。本研究的結論認為,PBL有助於達成十二年國教素養導向課程與教學的實踐,學生在PBL的學習過程中得以問題為中心激發學習動機、學習與同儕合作解題、學習自主學習的方法,並展現出在學校段考成績之外問題探究過程的多元能力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractMinistry of Education has integrated junior high school into universal and compulsory national education since 1968. After more than 50 years, the curriculum of junior high schools has undergone many adjustments and changes. The objectives of the national education curriculum are “national spirit education” and national life education. Before 2002, the curriculum of Social Studies in “Curriculum Standards” was emphasized on the national spiritual education of cultivating national consciousness. After 2002, the curriculum of Social Studies in “ Curriculum Guidelines” reformed from the goals of assisting individuals in their socialization process to cultivating the civic competence that students need to face the future and carry out different careers. Eventually, the curriculum was emphasized on national life education as the core.This research applied the concept of"Problem-Based Learning (PBL)" to the instructional design and practice of the curriculum of Social Studies in junior high schools based on the educational purpose of practicing Competence-based curriculum and instruction in the General Guidelines of Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education, and examines the process and results of the implementation. This research applied the action research method. The objects of the research were the seventh, eighth, ninth grade students of a large junior high school in Taoyuan City. They participated PBL teaching courses, homework assessments, and the teacher’s reflections and adjustments of learning outcomes of lesson 6-8 during four times exams in 110 academic year. On the one hand, this research tried to adjust and develop a set of PBL methods and implementation steps suitable for junior high school students, and on the other hand, it is used to implement the spirit and goals of the 12-year national education curriculum.In order to practice PBL on social studies curriculum in junior high school, this research simplified and adjusted PBL implementation process, applied the 5W1H(Kipling)method to help students analyze and define problems, designed a dual-track worksheets that were used in groups and individuals at the same time in PBL group teaching activities, designed PBL homework to examine the effectiveness of students' self-directed learning, and established PBL Step-Dimension Scoring Criteria to analyze students' learning outcomes in PBL, etc. The results of this study are listed as follows: 1. The performance of students in PBL group learning may showed a trend of progress or regress, but the performance of PBL self-directed learning showed a trend of progress. 2. Students of different grades or class have different dimensions of good grade in PBL group and self-directed learning, but the performance in the ‘acquiring knowledge base stage’ is better than that in the ‘problem inquiry stage’ in general. 3. The implementation of PBL may helped students demonstrate the learning effect of group learning, and to show different dimensions of ability in the process of problem inquiry and practice, but it has no obvious impact on students' grade of school sectional exam. The conclusion of this research is that PBL is helpful to achieve the practice of the competence-based curriculum and teaching of 12-year national education. During the learning process of PBL, students can be problem-focused to stimulate learning motivation, learn to cooperate with peers to solve problems, learn the methods of self-directed learning, and show the multiple abilities of the problem inquiry process beyond the grade of the school sectional exam.en_US
dc.subjectProblem-Based Learningen_US
dc.subject12-Year basic and national educationen_US
dc.subjectCompetence-based curriculum and teachingen_US
dc.subjectJunior high schoolsen_US
dc.subjectSocial studiesen_US
dc.titleAction Research on Applying PBL(Problem-Based Learning) To Social Studies Teaching in Junior High Schoolen_US


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