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本研究為延續「建構高齡者在地老化運動促進模式」之研究,在完成芬蘭與臺灣高齡者運動政策比較之後,持續進行臺灣高齡者在地老化運動促進方案評估指標之研究,並於多年期整合型計畫之研究執行過程中發現,芬蘭的活躍老化經驗紮根於專業課程及指導人力之基礎上。目前臺灣高齡者的運動參與、身體活動量雖逐漸提升,但多數仍未符合美國運動醫學會(ACSM)高齡者運動準則之建議,且運動內容未考量成人學習原則與特殊性。同時,高齡運動參與者欠缺專業運動指導員(exercise instructor)的教導及同儕指導者(peer instructor)的協助,也衍生運動課程專業性不足、持續性不佳的問題。據此,研究者擬提出「建構高齡者專業運動課程與指導人力之研究」,希冀為此困境提供最佳解決方案。本計畫之研究目的為:第一年發展並實施高齡者專業運動課程,以符合高齡者學習歷程、認知及身體狀況;第二年落實並檢視高齡者專業運動課程與運動指導人力之適用性,以提升高齡者運動參與之實質成效,為臺灣超高齡社會之運動健康促進政策預做準備。
The research is a follow-up study of “Build up the older adults aging in place exercise promotion model”, which has already completed the comparison of the older adults sport policy between Finland and Taiwan. Furthermore, we continue to proceed with the research of evaluation indices of Taiwanese older adults aging in place exercise promotion. During the process of our previous multi-year integrated research projects, we discovered that the experience of active aging in Finland is rooted in the basis of professional courses and human resources. According to a recent national survey in Taiwan,, the percentage of sport participation and the level of physical activities of older people has gradually increased, however, most of activities do not correspond to the suggestions for the older adults proposed by American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). In addition, the principles of adult learning are not considered. Moreover, a lack of professional exercise instructors and peer instructors also causes the problem of professionalism and persistence in sport courses of older adults in the community. Based on the above findings, a follow-up research is needed and titled “A study of building up exercise curriculum and instructors for older adults”. The purpose of this research is as follows: In the first year, to design and implement the exercise curriculum for older adults especially to fit their learning process, cognition, skills and physical condition. Moreover, in the second year, to evaluate the feasibility of exercise curriculums for older adults as well as the effectiveness of the peer exercise instructors so as to enhance older adults’ participation in sports and exercise. Therefore, we hope findings of this proposed research will help to facilitate the exercise participation of older Taiwanese and to offer strategies on the preparation for a super-aged society in the future.
The research is a follow-up study of “Build up the older adults aging in place exercise promotion model”, which has already completed the comparison of the older adults sport policy between Finland and Taiwan. Furthermore, we continue to proceed with the research of evaluation indices of Taiwanese older adults aging in place exercise promotion. During the process of our previous multi-year integrated research projects, we discovered that the experience of active aging in Finland is rooted in the basis of professional courses and human resources. According to a recent national survey in Taiwan,, the percentage of sport participation and the level of physical activities of older people has gradually increased, however, most of activities do not correspond to the suggestions for the older adults proposed by American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). In addition, the principles of adult learning are not considered. Moreover, a lack of professional exercise instructors and peer instructors also causes the problem of professionalism and persistence in sport courses of older adults in the community. Based on the above findings, a follow-up research is needed and titled “A study of building up exercise curriculum and instructors for older adults”. The purpose of this research is as follows: In the first year, to design and implement the exercise curriculum for older adults especially to fit their learning process, cognition, skills and physical condition. Moreover, in the second year, to evaluate the feasibility of exercise curriculums for older adults as well as the effectiveness of the peer exercise instructors so as to enhance older adults’ participation in sports and exercise. Therefore, we hope findings of this proposed research will help to facilitate the exercise participation of older Taiwanese and to offer strategies on the preparation for a super-aged society in the future.