
dc.contributor周麗端 博士zh_TW
dc.contributorDr. Li-Tuan Chouen_US
dc.contributor.authorKai-Ying Wuen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在建構家庭教育推展機構評鑑指標,以CIPP模式為架構,邀集專家、學者及實務工作者,運用德懷術之方法,共同建構出適合評鑑家庭教育推展機構之評鑑指標。 在家庭教育法中,將家庭教育中心、各級社會教育機構、各類型大眾傳播機構及其他與家庭教育有關之公私立機構或團體,都列為家庭推展機構或團體。本研究考量家庭教育中心係依家庭教育法成立之家庭教育專責機關,其屬性與其他家庭教育機構差異甚大,很難適用同一套評鑑指標。因此,本研究將分別針對家庭教育中心及其他家庭教育推展機構建構出適用之指標,使中央主管機關及直轄市、縣(市)政府主管機關可從中選取其適用的指標內涵,運用於其所轄地區之家庭教育推展機構評鑑,進而評定推展機構之執行成效,並提供推展機構作為未來辦理家庭教育相關活動時之參考。 本研究針對家庭教育中心建構出的評鑑指標包含:家庭教育推展機構背景分析向度、家庭教育推展機構投入資源向度、家庭教育推展機構辦理活動過程向度、家庭教育推展機構辦理活動成果向度等四大評鑑向度;家庭教育政策背景分析、家庭教育推展機構之機構背景分析、家庭教育服務對象需求背景分析、家庭教育推展機構人力運用、家庭教育推展機構配套措施、家庭教育推展機構預算、家庭教育推展機構活動規劃過程、家庭教育推展機構活動執行過程、家庭教育推展機構執行成果、家庭教育推展機構服務對象滿意度等十項評鑑項目;並細分出五十九項評鑑內涵。 本研究針對其他家庭教育推展機構建構出的評鑑指標亦包含上述之四大評鑑向度、十項評鑑項目,並細分出六十三項評鑑內涵。 最後,根據研究結果,研究者針對家庭教育推展機構評鑑指標應用及未來研究,提出二大項建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to construct the evaluation indicators of family-oriented institutions. Constructed with the CIPP model, we have brought experts, academics and practitioners together in using Delphi Method to construct proper evaluation indicators to assess family education-oriented institutions. In the family education law, family education centers, educational institutions at all levels of society, various types of mass media organizations and other family education related public and private organizations or groups, are all categorized in to family education-oriented institutions. This study considers that the family education center as a family education-related institution is established according to Family Education Law. Consequently, the family education center varies tremendously from other family education institution so that they are hardly applied to a same set of evaluation indicators. Therefore, this study will separately focus on family education centers and other family education-oriented institutions, from which we draw up applicable indicators. It enables the central authorities and municipalities, county (city) government institutions to select the contents of applicable indicators to be used in its jurisdiction areas of family education-oriented institutions to do evaluation. Furthermore, it can evaluate the effectiveness of institutions in terms of implementation, and also it serves as references for the future activities in the family education. In this study, the evaluation indicators constructed for the family education center include: dimension of background analysis for family education-oriented institutions, dimension of resource-involved for family education-oriented institutions, dimension of activity-process for family educational institutions, dimension of activity-achievement for family education-oriented insinuations. The above are of four significant dimensions. Ten items include background analysis of family education policy, institutional background analysis of family education-oriented institutions, background analysis of service object demands in family education, human power and application in family education-oriented institutions, supporting measures in family education-oriented institutions, budget in family education-oriented institutions, activity planning process in family education-oriented institutions, activity implementation process in family education-oriented institutions, and service satisfaction in the family education-oriented institutions. Furthermore, another 59 evaluation contents are subcategorized. This study aims to make the construct of evaluation indicators for the other family education-oriented institutions, including the above four significant dimensions , ten items, and 63 sub-items of contents. According to the findings of this study, the researcher put forth two proposals regarding evaluation indicators for family education-oriented institutions in terms of application and future researches.en_US
dc.subjectfamily educationen_US
dc.subjectfamily education-orientated institutionsen_US
dc.subjectevaluation indicatoren_US
dc.subjectDelphi Methoden_US
dc.titleIndicators for Evaluating Family Education-orientated Institutionsen_US

