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動物園圈養的動物提供許多現代人與野生動物近距離接觸的機會,每年有數以百萬遊客湧入園區內參觀,在動物園內的教育,扮演傳遞正確資訊重要的角色。近年來動物保護和動物福利逐漸受到重視,動物園這個飼養大量野生動物的社教機構也同樣受到矚目,使得如何能讓動物園的野生動物在有限制空間和大量遊客干擾中,仍然能維持動物的身、心理健康,並且表現自然行為,成為動物園照養動物達到福利目標的挑戰。 本研究以「動物福利」做為解說活動的主要目標,透過準實驗研究法,針對北市國小四年級學童進行解說活動,以前後測問卷調查分析比較其差異;再輔以質性的觀察記錄,共同瞭解以動物福利的解說活動介入,對學童動物福利的知識和態度的學習成效。分析結果,如下: 1.學童經過動物福利解說活動後,在知識與態度的得分平均數,皆達顯著差異。顯示本研究的動物福利教育解說活動,能有效增進學童的動物福利知識和動物福利的態度。 2.飼養經驗會影響學童在動物福利知識學習,其中以無飼養經驗學童的學習成效高過有飼養經驗者。 有鑑於本研究的動物福利解說活動介入,有效增加學童對個體動物福利的知識以及對動物福利態度的改善。研究者建議未來臺北市立動物園,仍可持續進行動物福利的改善。並藉由園區內硬體的解說或人員帶領的活動設計,讓民眾更加瞭解動物福利,以提升國人的動物福利素養。
Animals that are kept in captivity by zoo provide many people opportunities to interact closely with wildlife. Therefore, zoo education serves important role for communicating accurate information. Recent years, as animal protection and welfare gained its importance, maintaining physical and mental wellbeing of the zoo animals and allowing them to display their nature behaviors had become a major challenge for the zoo to accomplish animal welfare. This study employs “animal welfare” as the main topic of the interpretive program. Through experimental research, fourth grade students of Taipei City were engaged in interpretive program Pre and post surveys were used to measure the differences of knowledge and attitude regarding animal welfare caused by the program. The analyzed results are as follow: 1.The students demonstrate significant differences on the average score of knowledge and attitude tests. This indicates that the immerse of animal welfare education into interpretive activity in this research had effectively enhanced animal welfare knowledge and attitude of the engaged students. 2.Pet raising experience of students can result in differences on the students’ learning about animal welfare knowledge. Non-experience students display higher learning achievement than those of students with pet raising experience. As a result, the researcher advices the Taipei Zoo to continuously strive for better animal welfare. Through improving contents of exhibit displays or modifying guided tours, the zoo can assist the general public to further understand and gain more literacy on animal welfare.



動物福利, 動物福利教育, 動物福利解說活動, 臺北市立動物園, Animal Welfare, Animal Welfare Education, Animal Welfare interpretive program, Taipei Zoo





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