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近年來,在全球化的趨勢與潮流之下,不僅企業向國際市場前進,世界各國的教育也將國際化列入發展的目標。為了因應國際人才的需求,台灣在2003年也將高等教育國際化列入政策之一,擴大招募外籍學生,一方面吸引優秀的國際人才,一方面也積極創造一個國際化的學習環境。隨著國際學生人數的增加,如何協助國際學生在台灣的適應與學習,也成為學校與相關機構關注的議題。 過去有不少研究指出,透過跨文化的訓練,可以協助國際學生的適應歷程。然而卻較少有研究探討國際學生的跨文化訓練。因此,本研究目的希望瞭解國際學生在適應歷程中所面臨的困難,以及他們在適應歷程中所運用的策略。同時,本研究進一步調查國際學生所接受的跨文後訓練,以及跨文化訓練在適應歷程中對他們的影響,並且探討國際學生的跨文化訓練需要考慮的因素。 本研究以在台灣師範大學就讀的國際學生為個案,運用質性研究的方法,深入訪談六位國際學生,以及三位來自師大國際事務處與財團法人國際合作發展基金會的職員。另外,為了豐富研究資料,本研究也運用了簡要的問卷調查和相關文件資料的分析。最後,研究者基於研究發現,提出建議予提供國際學生跨文化訓練的相關機構,以茲參考。
Globalization is an inevitable fact that has influences not only in business world but also in education field. In order to keep national competitiveness and attract talents worldwide, more and more nations have tried to create an international learning environment including enrolling students from different countries. Along with the growth of international students in Taiwan and the policies concerning internationalization of education, how to retain and assist them through adaptation process become another important issue for schools and relevant institutions. Furthermore, cross-cultural training is suggested by literatures that help international students adapt successfully into a new culture. Accordingly, this research served for several purposes. First was to investigate the adaptation difficulties that international students encountered. Second was to explore the strategies that international students adopted. Third was to examine the cross-cultural training that international students received. Fourth was to understand the influences of cross-cultural training for international students during cross-cultural adaptation process. Last was to identify the factors that should be considered in cross-cultural training for international students. This study utilized the qualitative case study method to investigate the adaptation process of international students in the National Taiwan Normal University. Semi-structured interviews with nine participants, including six international students and three staffs in relevant institutions such as Office of International Affairs and Taiwan International Cooperation Development Foundation, were conducted. Further, a short questionnaire and document analysis were conducted to enrich data resources. Finally, conclusions and recommendations were provided based on research findings.



跨文化適應歷程, 跨文化訓練, 國際學生, cross-cultural adaptation process, cross-cultural training, international student





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