
dc.contributorLiu, Mei-Huien_US
dc.contributor.authorHung, Li-Chingen_US
dc.description.abstract基於民主化、自由化與全球化移動的發展以及日益增加的新移民,多元文化的理論與實踐愈來愈受到重視,未來該如何推動具前瞻性且務實的多元文化教育,將是一個重要課題。本研究旨在探究目前美國華盛頓州國小階段新移民學習安置政策內涵及多元文化教育課程之實施情形和取向,以轉化為臺灣實施多元文化課程之建議參考。 本研究採取個案研究之學校民族誌取徑,以美國華盛頓州西雅圖學區一所具有移民族群多樣性之K-5 公立小學為研究場域,該校學生來自30個國家使用19種不同語言。研究者在自然的情境中長期蹲點融入田野,並以一個4/5年級合併班級(共24位學生,其中白人、黑人、西班牙裔、亞裔各占1/4比例)進行八個月的入班觀察,以了解多元文化課程與教學實施情形。蒐集資料方法包括參與觀察、深入訪談和文件分析,且根據本研究彙整之六種多元文化教育取向進行實踐取向的綜合分析。 研究結果發現如下:1.新移民學生學習輔導注重從全人需求的整體性安置。2. 教師統整學科、人和社會經驗以回應標準化課程和學生文化差異。3.個案學校之多元文化課程實施涵括多元文化教育六種取向。4.個案學校之多元文化課程實施偏重族群面向而忽略其他面向的多樣性。5.課室空間多元語言流動促進學生發展多元涵化社會觀。6.多元、去中心化、建構的課程觀可提供課程解放和文化回應空間。7.學生主體意識的開展立基於強調學生參與的班級經營和民主教育。最後,根據研究結果,針對臺灣國小階段多元文化教育推廣、政策制定和課程實施參考,以及後續研究提供方向提出建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study aims at exploring the approaches and implementation of immigrants’ academic interventional policies and of multicultural curriculum in an elementary public school of Washington State in the US, and obtaining insightful implications for multicultural education in Taiwan. In order to explore the ways in which the multicultural curriculum was implemented, this study adopted the school ethnographic case study on one K-5 elementary public school with high ethnical diversity (students were from 30 countries and with 19 native languages) in Seattle district, and sampled a 4/5 mix of grade level class (24 students and each of White, African, Asian and Hispanic students was approximately to 25 percentage). The researcher spent 8 months engaging in the field. Multiple methods of data collection including participant observation, data analysis, and interview methods were applied to get significant information to achieve the purposes. Moreover, six approaches of multicultural education were constructed as the analysis framework to analyze the approaches of the practices of multicultural curriculum in the case school. The major findings are summarized as follows: 1. The implementation of immigrants’ academic interventional policies emphasized the integrity placement to meet students’ holistic needs. 2. Teachers integrated subjects, people, and social experience to respond to the standardized curriculum and students’ cultural differences. 3. The practices of multicultural curriculum in the case school included six approaches of multicultural education. 4. The diversity issues of multicultural curriculum in the case emphasized racial issues more and ignored other issues. 5. The official commitment of multiple languages used in the classroom raised students’ awareness of multiple acculturation of the social nature. 6. Pluralistic, decentralized, constructive curricular consciousness provided wiggle room for curriculum deliberation and cultural response. 7. The development of students’ subjective consciousness was based on focusing students’ participation on class management and democratic education. At the end of this study, suggestions are addressed as to the promotion of multicultural education, the design of the immigrants’ academic interventional policy, the practices of multicultural curriculum, and recommendations are likewise made as to further researches in this field.en_US
dc.subjectcase studyen_US
dc.subjectcurriculum practicesen_US
dc.subjectmulticultural educationen_US
dc.subjectschool ethnographyen_US
dc.titleA Case Study on the Practices of Multicultural Curriculum in Elementary Schools of Washington State in the USen_US

