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本研究以國立臺灣海洋大學生命與資源科學院專任教師及其於2002-2004年間發表之學術期刊論文引用之期刊文獻為研究對象。 主要採用引用文獻分析法,探討教師引用期刊文獻之特性,再以教師引用期刊文獻核對圖書館紙本及全文電子期刊館藏,了解館藏期刊滿足教師撰寫學術期刊論文需求的程度,獲知支援生命科學與海洋資源教師學術研究的核心期刊清單,提供建置符合學術研究需求核心期刊館藏的參考。另外使用訪談法,探討教師之期刊資訊需求,作為改善期刊服務的參考。 研究結果顯示:1.本研究分析教師學術期刊論文著作340篇,共計引用參考文獻10,731筆,平均每篇論文引用參考文獻31.56筆;2、教師學術期刊論文引用的文獻類型以期刊為主,整體而言占84.75 % ;3. 在引用期刊文獻的年代分析方面,以引用1998年以後之文獻所占比例為最高,引用之年代傾向以近10年左右的文獻為主,超過二分之一的引用比例; 4. 生科院6系所教師,三年間發表之學術期刊論文著作共計引用1,851種期刊,其中核心期刊73種,共計引用2,996次;5、若從刊名、卷期、年度三者皆符合的層次來分析館藏支援率,海大整體期刊館藏滿足生科院教師學術期刊論文引用期刊文獻需求之百分比為60.72%,若刊名符合即算可支援,則支援率提升為83.41%;若以排名前10名期刊提供的情形進行分析,刊名、卷期、年度三者皆符合的期刊滿足率為85.73%,若刊名符合即算可支援,則支援率提升為99.19%;6.引用分析研究結果獲得之期刊引用比率、產生之核心期刊與館藏支援程度和教師訪談結果大致相符。
The study describes how the journal collections support faculty research at the College of Life and Resource Sciences of National Taiwan Ocean University through the methods of citation analysis and interviews. The four objectives of this study are : 1. To identify the features of journal citations used by faculty at the College of Life and Resource Sciences of NTOU. 2. To investigate how the library journal collections support faculty research at the College of Life and Resource Sciences of NTOU. 3. To come up the core journal lists through citation analysis. And, the journal list will be an important reference to build NTOU library collection. 4. To study the journal information needs and information seeking behavior of the faculty at the College of Life and Resource Sciences of NTOU. 340 articles, published from year 2002 to 2004, are analyzed; this does not include articles without references. An E-Resource Access& Management federated system licensed by the NTOU is used to retrieve e-journals that support faculty research; for the printed collection, the NTOU Library’s WEBOPAC is used. Journals that are within the library collection, be it in printed or electronic version, but cannot be retrieved via the above two channels are not considered as the library collection. The result of the study reveals that: 1.) In average, the number of cited references of each journal article is 31.56; 2) The majority of citations is from periodicals (84.75%); 3) Most of the cited periodicals were published after 1998.; 4) Total of the journal citations are from 1,851 periodicals, among those, 73 are core periodicals that are cited 2,996 times in total.; 5) The overall results indicate that 60.72 percent of the journal articles are available in the NTOU Library under exact match and 83.41% under partial match. Besides, on the top 10 basis, library can provide 85.73% of the required materials under exact match and 99.19% of the required materials under partial match.;6) The majority of results by two research methods are matched.



引用文獻分析, 大學圖書館, 期刊館藏評鑑, 館藏支援, Citation Analysis, University Library, Journal Collections Evaluation, Collection Support





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