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本研究旨在探討「高中學校道德氣氛」與「學生道德判斷發展」之關聯性,並分析不同背景(性別、年級別、公私立學校別、學校型態別、地區別)學校學生所知覺之學校道德氣氛類型與學生道德判斷發展之差異性。研究設計係以受試者個人背景及高中生所知覺之學校道德氣氛類型為自變項,學生道德判斷發展為依變項,使用問卷調查法蒐集資料。研究工具為「學校道德氣氛問卷」及「道德判斷測驗」,以全國518名學生為施測對象,所得資料以描述性統計、t考驗、變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關以及逐步多元迴歸分析法進行統計分析,依據研究結果作成結論,並提出建議事項。 本研究獲致研究結論如下: 一、高中生對「學校如同社群」之知覺以「關係分享」與「社會契約」類型之平均數較高;「權力使用」與「具體互惠」類型之平均數較低 二、高中生對「機構價值」的評價以「外在工具」與「強烈認同」層次之平均數最高;「民主參與」與「自發性社群」層次之平均數次之;「拒絕評價」層次平均數最低 三、高中生知覺之學校道德氣氛以「人際關係取向」類型平均數最高,其次為「社會規範取向」類型,「權威取向」類型之平均數最低 四、高中生知覺之學校道德氣氛以「人際關係取向」之人數比例最多,佔全體受試者42.7%,「人際關係取向」與「社會規範取向」合計佔全體受試者75.9% 五、高中生知覺之學校道德氣氛類型較具正面取向;且不因性別、年級而有差異 六、私立學校學生所知覺之學校道德氣氛類型較公立學校學生負面;普通高中學生較完全、綜合高中學生正面;東部地區較其他地區學生負面。 七、超過八成高中生道德判斷發展成熟分數介於「300-399分」,屬於「人際關係和諧導向」階段,僅有3.6%的學生已發展到「法律與秩序導向」階段 八、不同性別高中生之道德判斷發展階段並無顯著差異的現象 九、學生之道德判斷發展成熟分數,三年級學生高於二年級學生;公立學校學生高於私立學校學生;普通高中高於綜合高中與完全中學學生;東部地區學生則明顯低於其他各區學校學生。 十、高中生因知覺學校道德氣氛類型不同,其道德判斷發展具有差異 十一、高中生知覺之學校道德氣氛類型與學生道德判斷發展達顯著相關水準 十二、高中生知覺之學校道德氣氛類型為學生道德判斷發展的有效預測變項 依據研究之結論,本研究進而提出下列三方面建議: 壹、對教育主管當局之建議 一、重視學校道德氣氛 二、注重不同地區學校差異的問題 三、縮減公、私立學校道德氣氛之差異 貳、對高中學校機構之建議 一、發展學校倫理原則,以營造學校社群意識 二、運用民主的管理方式,引導學生道德判斷能力提升 三、重視校園規範的實踐,促進學校道德氣氛的改變與提升 四、鼓勵學生積極參與校務,增加學生對學校的認同與責任感 參、對未來研究之建議 一、探究學校道德氣氛的多元內涵 二、整合學校道德氣氛量表內容,發展適合本國之研究工具 三、建構我國道德判斷測驗研究工具的指標 四、擴大研究範圍 五、增加研究變項 六、繼續追蹤研究
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between students’ perception of the school moral atmosphere and students’ moral judgment in senior high school, and to analyze the diversity of students’ personal backgrounds whose perception of school moral atmosphere and students’ moral judgment . The research used two questionnaires entitled “School Moral Atmosphere Questionnaire, SMAQ” and “Moral Judgment Interview, MJI”. The samples were consisted of 518 senior high school students in Taiwan and 473 effective samples were received. The data were collected and analyzed by descriptive statistics, t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’sproduct-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis. According to the research, the conclusions had been made and the suggestions had been submitted. The major findings were as follows: 1. In “the school as a community”, the average scores in “relations and sharing” and “social contract” are higher than “power assertion” and “concrete reciprocity”. 2. In “the valuation of the school as an institution”, the average scores in “instrumental extrinsic” and “enthusiastic identification” levels are higher than “democracy school” and “spontaneous community” level, the average score in “rejection of the school” level is the lowest. 3. In the different kinds of the students’ perception of the school moral atmosphere, the highest average score is the “personal relationship” type; then the “social norms” type; the lowest average score is the type of “power assertion”. 4. Most students’ perception of the school moral atmosphere lies in the type of “personal relationship”(42.7%), over 75.9% students’ perception of the school moral atmosphere lies in the type of “personal relationship” and “social norms. 5. There are higher scores in “Sense of Community” than in “Negation of Community” in students’ perception of the school moral atmosphere, and there are not significant differences from gender and grade. 6. In students’ perception of the school moral atmosphere, students in public school are more positive than private school, normal school is more positive than intermediate secondary school, students in eastern area are more negative than the other area. 7. Over 80% students’ MMS scores are between 300 to 399, lie in the “interpersonal concordance orientation” stage. Only 3.6% students lie in the “law and order orientation” stage. 8. There is not significant difference in students’ moral judgment from gender. 9. In the MMS scores, 3 grade students are higher than 2 grade students, public school students are higher than private school students, normal school students are higher than intermediate secondary school, but students in eastern area are lower than the other area. 10. There are significant differences in students’ perception of the school moral atmosphere and students’ moral judgment. 11. There are significant positive correlations between students’ perception of the school moral atmosphere and students’ moral judgment. 12. The variable of students’ perception of the school moral atmosphere can forecast the students’ moral judgment. According to the findings, some suggestions as follow: 1. Emphasize on the school moral atmosphere. 2. Pay attention to the diversity of schools in different area. 3. Reduce the diversity of school moral atmosphere in public and private schools. 4. Each school has to decide its own set of written moral standards to raising school community consciousness. 5. Schools should make rules by democratic procedure, and promote the stages of students’ moral judgment. 6. Emphasize on the practice of the school rules and nurture the school moral atmosphere. 7. Encourage students to participate school affairs and raising students’ identification and responsibility to schools. At last, some suggestions are offered to the future study reference.








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