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在國小資源班的學生中,不同特殊需求的學生皆常伴隨注意力不足的問題,進而影響其學習表現。近年國內外以不同運動教學改善特殊需求學生注意力的相關研究逐漸受到重視,然而針對競技疊杯運動介入特殊需求學生之注意力的相關研究較少。因此本研究透過競技疊杯運動教學方案,探討其對三位國小資源班具ADHD特質學生注意力表現之影響。本研究採用單一個案之撤回實驗設計,自變項為競技疊杯運動教學方案,依變項為田字注意力測驗之七項分數,並更進一步探討參與者每週競技疊杯之平均速度與田字注意力測驗分數之相關。 研究結果發現,競技疊杯運動教學方案對三位具ADHD學生於獲得期間,田字注意力測驗七個項目表現至少有六個項目呈現介入成效。在保留期中,三位參與者也在田字注意力測驗多數項目呈現介入效果。 三人在競技疊杯3-3-3、3-6-3項目之平均速度皆與田字注意力正確總數與專注表現兩項目呈現高度正相關。整體而言,競技疊杯運動教學方案對國小ADHD學生於獲得期與保留期之注意力表現,皆呈現介入效果。 未來研究可針對參與者特質進行分組或篩選,並可依據不同參與者人數與介入時間調整研究設計,也可進一步探討競技疊杯練習強度與介入效果之相關。
The students with special needs in resource room of elementary school, are often accompanied by attention deficit, which affects their learning performance. In recent years, researches on improving the attention of students with special needs through different exercise intervention are receiving increasing attention; however, there are few studies investigated the effects of sport stacking training on attention of students with special needs. This study aimed to investigate the effect that sport stacking teaching program on attention performance of three ADHD students. The study was conducted through withdrawal design (A-B-A design) of single-subject experimental designs. The independent variable in this study was the sport stacking teaching program, the dependent variables were the 7 scores of Tien-Character Attention Test. Moreover, the other purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between the weekly average speed of sport stacking and the 7 scores of Tien-Character Attention Test. The study found that the sport stacking teaching program could improve effects of intervention on at least 6 of the 7 scores of Tien-Character Attention Test during the acquisition phase. Also most of the scores of Tien-Character Attention Test had improved effects of intervention during the maintain phase The weekly average speed of sport stacking (3-3-3、3-6-3) shown significant correlation between accuracy of the scores of total number of items processed minus errors (TN-E) and concentration performance (CP). Overall, during the acquisition phase and maintain phase, the effects on the attention performance of elementary school students with ADHD had improved. In the future, the research design can focus on different characteristics grouping of participants and screening. The study design also can be adjusted according to the number of different participants and the time of intervention. Moreover, further research could be getting to the meaning of the correlation between the intensity of sport stacking and the effect of intervention.



注意力缺陷過動症, 競技疊杯, 田字注意力測驗, 注意力, ADHD, sport stacking, Tien-Character Attention Test, attention





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