

摘要 本研究針對台灣區286位羽球選手進行心理技能研究,目的在於:1.瞭解我國羽球選手心理技能現況。2.比較不同技術水準、不同性別、不同球齡羽球選手心理技能之差異。研究工具:1.量化研究的調查工具為「運動員心理技能量表」。2.質性研究為訪談。回收的樣本資料透過SPSS10.0版之描述統計、獨立樣本t-test等方式進行統計分析後,總結出下列結論: (1)共發放300份問巻,剔除廢巻後合計收集有效問巻為286份,回收有效率為95.33%,平均年齡19±3.7歲、平均專項運動球齡為7.67±3.6年。 (2)本研究羽球選手在運動員心理技能量表上各分量得分,由高到低依序為「可教導性」>「動機」>「壓力處理與逆境調適」>「專注」>「自信心」 (3)將施測羽球選手依「不同技術」、「不同性別」、「不同球齡」予以分組,採用獨立樣本t-test統計分法分析,發現在「不同技術」及「不同性別」各分量得分順序亦同為「可教導性」>「動機」>「壓力處理與逆境調適」>「專注」>「自信心」。唯有在「不同球齡」的組別中、球齡較高的選手在「壓力處理與逆境調適」是高於「動機」,而球齡較低的選手則是「動機」高於「壓力處理與逆境調適」。 關鍵字:羽球、技術水準、心理技能
ABSTRACT The purposes of this study were to understand the psychological skills of badminton players in Taiwan, and to compare the differences in psychological skills between two badminton skill level players, the differences between male and female players, as well as the differences among players with different years of playing badminton.. The study adopted “Athletic Psychological Skills Inventory (APSI)” as the quantitative research tool, in which badminton players in Taiwan were studied as the subjects, and interviews with players were used as qualitative research. The data were analyzed through SPSS 10.0 and an independent t-test. The results were as follow: 1. 300 badminton players were asked to fill in APSI, out of which 286 were effective. The effectiveness was 95.33%. The average age is 19±3.7, and the average years of playing badminton are7.67±3.6. 2. On all the subscales of APSI, badminton players in Taiwan got the best weighing on “teachability”, “motivation” the second, “pressure handling and adversity accommodation” the third, “concentration” the fourth, and “confidence” the fifth. 3. All the 286 players were divided into groups according to three categories: “badminton skill levels”, “genders” and “years of playing badminton”, and the data were analyzed through t-test. In the categories “badminton levels” and “genders”, players also got the best scores on “teachability”, the second on “motivation”, the third on “pressure handling and adversity accommodation”, the fourth on “concentration”, and the fifth on “confidence”. Only in the category “years of playing badminton”, players with more years of playing badminton got better scores on “pressure handling and adversity accommodation” than on “motivation;” while players with fewer years of playing badminton got better scores on “motivation” than on “pressure handling and adversity accommodation.” Key words: badminton, skill level, psychological skill



羽球, 心理技能, 技術水準, badminton, skill levels, psychological skills





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