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過去的研究發現,腦源性神經營養因子(brain derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF) 可提高神經可塑性,進而提升認知功能。安靜時,體內BDNF濃度與血糖值呈現負相關,而單次有氧運動能提升BDNF生成。在運動前,較低水平的血糖值能否對運動後有更高的BDNF及認知功能的效益仍然未知。目的:探討運動前攝入葡萄糖是否會對運動提升BDNF及認知功能造成影響。方法:招募12位男大學生,採平衡次序設計,分別攝取75克 (75T)、25克 (25T)葡萄糖以及安慰劑 (PT) 溶液後進行30分鐘中等強度跑步運動,並於攝取溶液前、運動前、運動後及運動後30分鐘採血;於運動前、後進行Stroop認知測驗,探討三種處理下,血糖、酮體、BDNF、一氧化氮與認知功能之變化。結果:運動前75T與25T血糖顯著提升,而運動後則明顯下降。三種處理在運動前、後的酮體皆無顯著差異,但PT在運動後30分鐘顯著高於75T與25T。認知測驗部分,PT處理的運動前衝突情境反應時間顯著快於75T與25T (PT vs. 25T vs. 75T:642.82±105.44 vs. 664.14±80.96 vs. 666.78±102.62 ms)。運動後顯著提升一致及衝突兩種情境的反應時間(一致情境運動前 vs. 運動後:583.46±77.04 vs. 565.20±69.85 ms;衝突情境運動前 vs. 運動後:657.92±96.34 vs. 626.83±98.07 ms)。三種處理在運動後一氧化氮與BDNF濃度皆顯著提升。結論:本研究發現立即攝取25至75克的葡萄糖會降低認知功能,而運動能抵銷攝入葡萄糖對認知功能的負面影響。
The previous studies have shown that brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is effective in increasing the neuroplasticity and enhancing cognition. BDNF and blood glucose are negatively correlated under resting status; acute aerobic exercise increase BDNF. Whether exercise with fasting blood glucose enhance BDNF more still remains unknown. The purpose: This study aims to investigate whether glucose intake before exercise affects the effects of exercise on BDNF and cognition. Method: This study recruited 12 male college students and adopted a counterbalance design: taking 75g(75T), 25g(25T) glucose and placebo (PT) solution and then performing 30 minutes moderate-intensity running. Blood was collected and cognitive test was performed before and after exercise to explore the changes in blood glucose, ketones, BDNF, nitric oxide(NO) and cognition under the three treatments. Results: 75T and 25T blood glucose increased before exercise, but decreased after exercise. In the ketone bodies, PT was higher than 75T and 25T at 30 minutes after exercise. In the cognition, PT had significantly faster reaction times than 75T and 25T on incongruent condition before exercise (PT vs. 25T vs. 75T:642.82±105.44 vs. 664.14±80.96 vs. 666.78±102.62 ms). Exercise improve reaction times on both congruent and incongruent condition (pre vs. post exercise on congruent: 583.46±77.04 vs. 565.20±69.85 ms; pre vs. post exercise on incongruent: 657.92±96.34 vs. 626.83±98.07 ms). NO and BDNF increased after the three treatments. Conclusion: This study found that taking 25 to 75 grams of glucose may reduce cognition, but exercise may countervail reduced cognitive function caused by glucose intake.
The previous studies have shown that brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is effective in increasing the neuroplasticity and enhancing cognition. BDNF and blood glucose are negatively correlated under resting status; acute aerobic exercise increase BDNF. Whether exercise with fasting blood glucose enhance BDNF more still remains unknown. The purpose: This study aims to investigate whether glucose intake before exercise affects the effects of exercise on BDNF and cognition. Method: This study recruited 12 male college students and adopted a counterbalance design: taking 75g(75T), 25g(25T) glucose and placebo (PT) solution and then performing 30 minutes moderate-intensity running. Blood was collected and cognitive test was performed before and after exercise to explore the changes in blood glucose, ketones, BDNF, nitric oxide(NO) and cognition under the three treatments. Results: 75T and 25T blood glucose increased before exercise, but decreased after exercise. In the ketone bodies, PT was higher than 75T and 25T at 30 minutes after exercise. In the cognition, PT had significantly faster reaction times than 75T and 25T on incongruent condition before exercise (PT vs. 25T vs. 75T:642.82±105.44 vs. 664.14±80.96 vs. 666.78±102.62 ms). Exercise improve reaction times on both congruent and incongruent condition (pre vs. post exercise on congruent: 583.46±77.04 vs. 565.20±69.85 ms; pre vs. post exercise on incongruent: 657.92±96.34 vs. 626.83±98.07 ms). NO and BDNF increased after the three treatments. Conclusion: This study found that taking 25 to 75 grams of glucose may reduce cognition, but exercise may countervail reduced cognitive function caused by glucose intake.
血糖, 酮體, 能量代謝, 有氧運動, blood glucose, ketone bodies, energy metabolism, aerobic exercise