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本研究旨在發展適合高中生的小說教學策略,並透過反思教學實踐的歷程,歸納出影響小說教學成效的相關因素,分析小說教學策略對於提升學生國語文能力──閱讀理解、思辨整合、反省探索,兼及促進學生發展語文學習興趣之潛力。研究過程採用行動研究方法,進行教學計畫、實踐、反思的循環。在教學實踐上,以普通高中國語文課本中的三篇小說──〈勞山道士〉、〈虬髯客傳〉、〈孔乙己〉為教材,除了依據文本分析的結果,規畫教學單元的學習重點外,並在整體教學中安排適切的延伸學習活動及評量任務。在教學實施的過程中,資料蒐集的方法以教室觀察、深度訪談為主,同時輔以文件資料,例如:小說學習單、學生實作成品、省思札記。依據學生國語文能力、心智成長的情形,以及他們的學習表現、省思回饋等,反思小說教學策略的實施成效。 研究結果顯示:(一)理解學生的小說學習困難,方能發展出有效的小說教學策略,回應學生的學習需求;(二)小說有其獨特的文體特色,適合透過小說結構要素規畫教學的具體內容,幫助學生有效理解小說情節、認識人物、歸因主題與作者之寫作目的,並分析小說中的寫作技巧;(三)使用高層次、發散性的提問引導學生討論與探索小說中的核心概念、抽象議題,能幫助他們發展出獨立見解並提升思考能力;(四)安排實作任務,提供學生應用與轉化所學的學習經驗,不僅能使學生主動連結小說內容與個人的生活情境、生命經驗、文化脈絡,也能觸發他們產生反省、體悟與改變;(五)使用適切教學媒材,並融入能回應學生文化差異性的教學設計,可以幫助學生領會小說中特殊的文化情境,彌補他們因文化背景不同、先備知識不足所產生的理解落差;(六)最後,透過引導學生回顧自己的小說學習經驗,並進行跨文本比較,歸納簡單的小說通則,能幫助學生整合所學,建立更完整的小說認知體系,進而發展出自己的小說學習策略。 依據研究發現,本研究針對小說教學設計、教學實踐以及未來相關研究三個層面,提出具體建議。希望在學校教育中,真正落實具有連續性的小說教學脈絡,並透過深度研究,持續充實小說教學實務理論之內涵,強化老師實施小說教學的態度與信心,鼓勵發展成長心態,以進一步開展與肯定小說教學在國語文教學中的價值。
This study aims to develop effective novel teaching approaches in senior high school. By reflecting on the process of teaching practice, this study investigates the influential factors affecting the effectiveness of various strategic approaches implemented in novel teaching, and analyzes the potential of novel teaching strategies to the enhancement of student’s Chinese language abilities—such as reading comprehension, integrative thinking, and reflective exploration, as well as to the facilitation of students’ interest in Chinese language arts. By adopting the action research method, a cycling process of planning, acting, and reflecting was executed. In this study, three novels selected from senior high school Chinese textbook—The Monk in Laoshan, Chiou Ran Ke Juan (Chronicles of the Man with Curly Beard), and Kong Yiji, were applied and examined as the texts for novel teaching practice. In addition to designing the essential learning in each teaching unit based on textual analysis, extended learning activities and assessment tasks were constructed for the overall teaching plan. During teaching practices, methods applied for data collection were classroom observations, intensive interviews, and document references, such as students’ worksheets, project reports, as well as their reflective journals. The effectiveness of novel teaching approaches was evaluated based on students’ demonstration of Chinese language abilities, cognitive development, project performances, and so forth. The research findings are as follows: (1) Only through understanding students’ learning difficulties can we develop effective novel teaching strategies and respond to students’ learning needs. (2) The novel has its unique stylistic characteristics. Therefore, using structural elements of novel to organize the teaching plan can help students understand plots and characters in the novel, discover the theme of the novel and the author’s central purpose, as well as analyze the embedded literary techniques of the novel. (3) Using higher-order and open questions to guide students’ discussions and explorations of the core concepts and abstractions in the novel can help students develop their personal opinions and enhance their thinking skills. (4) The performance tasks provided with learning experience for the application and transformation of the concepts learned, not only can enable students to proactively link the novel content with their life situation, lived experience, and cultural context, but also can trigger them to reflect, perceive and make changes of their own life. (5) For teaching students with different cultural backgrounds, applying appropriate instructional media and designing culturally responsive projects can help them comprehend the unique cultural context within a novel, and bridge their understanding gaps due to lack of prior knowledge. (6) Finally, by guiding students to review their novel learning experience, to make comparison between different novels, and to generalize basic principles for novel writing, students can integrate what they have learned, establish more comprehensive understanding of novel, and then develop their own novel learning strategies. Based on the research findings, practical suggestions are addressed for novel teaching design, teaching practices, and future related research. It is hoped that the novel teaching can be continuously implemented in school contexts with more closely in-depth studies that more practical theories of novel teaching can be constructed for enhancing teachers’ attitudes toward and confidence in teaching novels. By so doing, the values of novel teaching in Chinese language arts may be further explored and established.



高中國語文, 小說教學策略, 閱讀理解, 思辨整合, 反省探索, Chinese Language arts in Senior High School, Novel Teaching Strategies, Reading Comprehension, Integrative Thinking, Reflective Exploration





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