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本研究旨在瞭解新冠疫情期間臺師大港生在臺學習及生活適應的歷程,研究問題包括:一、新冠疫情下臺師大在學港生適應困擾及其影響因素為何?二、臺師大在學港生達到學習及生活適應的歷程為何?三、大學有關協助港生學習及生活適應之措施?本研究採用質性研究方法,以「焦點團體訪談」的方式,邀請到17位臺師大大二至大四的在學港生參與研究,分為三組進行焦點團體訪談,瞭解其在新冠疫情期間學習及生活適應之歷程與影響因素,當中主要以跨文化適應理論來分析港生在臺適應之歷程,並採主題分析法彙整訪談資料。從港生分享素材中抽絲剝繭,以主題方式歸納出與研究有關的素材。相關內容經由參與者審核、同儕檢視、厚實敘寫及遵從研究倫理等方式,對訪談所得的資料,進行客觀的歸納與分析,使讀者能掌握完整且真實的研究成果。 本研究發現在新冠疫情期間,臺師大在臺港生主要受新冠疫情及文化差異兩大因素影響。其中,新冠疫情的爆發,對港生學業、人際關係及心理健康方面,造成了急切及暫時性的影響,而期間也導致次團體文化的形成;另一方面,為更具體瞭解港生在臺之文化適應,本研究採Berry跨文化適應策略及Bennett跨文化敏感發展模型來探討疫情期間港生在臺生活之文化適應,發現部分港生之在臺生活適應歷程多能與之呼應,使其能更快克服文化差異之影響,融入在臺之生活。 此外,本研究也發現港生來臺求學動機主要受香港升學壓力的影響,擔心無法在港繼續升讀大學,而臺灣升學管道及科系多元,申請也相對便利,進而選擇來臺;其次,本研究之港生在臺學習及生活適應歷程可分為四大類型,分別為適應困難、漸入佳境、漸離佳境及適應良好四類,其中以漸入佳境,循序漸進的適應狀態占人數最多;而港生在臺學習及生活適應最大的支持力量是來自家人與朋友的支持、學校的支援、以及對自己的期許。基於上述研究發現,本研究建議學術單位可針對境外新生辦理小型座談會、加強輔導專業知識及提供多元課程選擇。此外,也可加強疫情期間對境外新生學業及融入系所生活之協助。而行政輔導單位可多加宣導學校的輔導資源,協助港生適應。最後,亦可鼓勵在臺港生積極參與社團活動,善用學校資源,有助個人更快適應校園生活。
This study aims to understand the learning and life adaptation process of Hong Kong students studying in National Taiwan Normal University during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research questions include the following:1. What are the challenges and influencing factors of adaptation for Hong Kong students studying in National Taiwan Normal University during the COVID-19 pandemic?2. What is the process of learning and life adaptation for Hong Kong students studying in National Taiwan Normal University?3. What measures are taken by the National Taiwan Normal University to assist Hong Kong students in their learning and life adaptation?This study adopts a qualitative research method and uses focus groups interviews inviting 17 Hong Kong students from National Taiwan Normal University (from sophomores to seniors) to participate in the research. The interviews are conducted by dividing the students into three groups to understand their learning and life adaptation process and influencing factors during the COVID-19 pandemic. The process of adaptation for Hong Kong students in Taiwan is analyzed primarily using Intercultural Adaptation theory and thematic analysis is applied to the interview data. Relevant content is reviewed by member check, peer debriefing, thick description, and adheres to research ethics to ensure readers get a complete and authentic research outcome based on the objective summarization and analysis of the interview data.The outbreak of COVID-19 and cultural differences were the main factors influence students from Hong Kong studying at National Taiwan Normal University. On the one hand, the outbreak of COVID-19 had an urgent and temporary impact on the academic performance, interpersonal relationships, and mental health of Hong Kong students. It also led to the formation of sub-group culture during this period. On the other hand, in order to have a better understanding of the cultural adaptation of Hong Kongstudents in Taiwan, this study adopts Berry’s Acculturation Strategies and Bennett’s Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity to explore their cultural adaptation during the pandemic. This research found that the cultural adaptation process of some Hong Kong students in Taiwan resonated with these models, allowing them to overcome the influence of cultural differences more quickly and integrate into Taiwan daily life.In addition, academic pressure in Hong Kong was one of the motivations for those students to come to Taiwan since they worried about admitting to a university in Hong Kong. Taiwan has a diverse range of study opportunities and academic departments and the application process is relatively convenient, which led them to choose to come to Taiwan. Furthermore, the study found that the learning and life adaptation process of Hong Kong students in Taiwan could be divided into four major categories: maladaptation, gradual amelioration, gradual deterioration, and good adaptation. Among them, the largest group of students fall in the gradual amelioration category, experiencing a progressive adaptation process. The biggest sources of support for the learning and adaptation of Hong Kong students in Taiwan was support from family and friends, support from the university, and self-expectations.Based on the above research findings, this study suggests that academic departments organize small seminars for overseas students, strengthen counseling expertise, and provide diverse course options. In addition, assistance can be provided to international students during the pandemic to enhance their academic performance and their integration into the department’s policies. As for university administrations, they can promote the counseling resources of the school and assist Hong Kong studentsin adapting. Additionally, Hong Kong students in Taiwan can actively participate in student clubs and make good use of school resources to help themselves better adapt to campus life.



香港學生, 新冠疫情, 學習及生活適應, Hong Kong students, COVID-19 pandemic, Learning and Life Adaptation





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