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科學新聞在人們生活中扮演傳遞科學訊息的重要角色。一個具有科學素養的讀者必須能批判地閱讀科學新聞所包含的訊息;另外,國內讀者較常接觸援用外電的科學新聞,即經國內記者編譯英語新聞後的科學報導。故此,本研究的目的有二:一分析編譯自相同英語科學新聞之兩則漢語科學新聞的論述特性及其差異;二為探討大學生對不同漢語科學新聞的閱讀理解情形。研究分為兩個階段,第一階段根據「即時」、「科學新聞主題分佈」與「科學課程學習重點」選取基因主題的文章“ Found: genes that let you live to 100 ”和源自同篇英語報導之兩則漢語科學新聞,並分析之,第二階段根據三項文本分析結果「科學詞彙使用」、「情態語詞使用」以及「級位分體論述」設計問卷,並隨機將56位大學生分成兩組,給予不同版本的漢語科學新聞進行閱讀與填寫問卷。
Science news has become an important channel for students accessing innovative scientific development. Reading such texts critically is thought as one of the essential part of scientific literacy. In addition, translated Mandarin Chinese science news from other languages, especially English, were used frequently in this country. The purpose of this study aimed to explore the differences between two Mandarin science news discourses which were translated from the same English source, and to investigate the effects of such differences on college students’ reading comprehensions of these texts. The news ‘Found: genes that let you live to 100’ and its Mandarin Chinese counterparts were selected as target texts, then the two Chinese versions were analyzed based upon the deployment of science terms, modal words, and part-of and kind-of relations. A questionnaire was developed accordingly. Totally 56 college students participated in this study and were randomly divided into two groups. They were assigned to read the selected news and administered the questionnaire. The results showed that, although both versions of mandarin science news use some phrases ambiguously, the foci of these two texts were really different although there have the same English source. Similarly, modal words that indicating polarity and keywords expressing part-of or kind-of relations were deployed very different by these two texts. Both texts promoted the understanding the specific science content effectively. Scientific terminologies contributed heavily to the reading difficulties encountered by the readers. However, about 90% readers seemed to be able to clarify the confusion of ambiguous science terms using. The readers were not aware of implications of modal words.
Science news has become an important channel for students accessing innovative scientific development. Reading such texts critically is thought as one of the essential part of scientific literacy. In addition, translated Mandarin Chinese science news from other languages, especially English, were used frequently in this country. The purpose of this study aimed to explore the differences between two Mandarin science news discourses which were translated from the same English source, and to investigate the effects of such differences on college students’ reading comprehensions of these texts. The news ‘Found: genes that let you live to 100’ and its Mandarin Chinese counterparts were selected as target texts, then the two Chinese versions were analyzed based upon the deployment of science terms, modal words, and part-of and kind-of relations. A questionnaire was developed accordingly. Totally 56 college students participated in this study and were randomly divided into two groups. They were assigned to read the selected news and administered the questionnaire. The results showed that, although both versions of mandarin science news use some phrases ambiguously, the foci of these two texts were really different although there have the same English source. Similarly, modal words that indicating polarity and keywords expressing part-of or kind-of relations were deployed very different by these two texts. Both texts promoted the understanding the specific science content effectively. Scientific terminologies contributed heavily to the reading difficulties encountered by the readers. However, about 90% readers seemed to be able to clarify the confusion of ambiguous science terms using. The readers were not aware of implications of modal words.
科學新聞, 科學傳播, 閱讀理解, science news, science communication, reading comprehension