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對某一時代或某一作家的作品進行分期的探討,能增進作家作品較全面性的理解。然而韓愈散文很少見到分期的說法。若有學者對他的散文進行分期的討論,則分期是否恰當?韓文的分期能否與韓詩的分期同步?這裡面涉及判準當如何建立?以及建立分期之後的意義為何? 本篇論文參考韓詩的分期的說法後,認為韓愈散文的分期應當以「生平的變化」作判準,分三期較為恰當。第一期是韓愈出生至德宗貞元十九(803)年十二月被貶陽山之前。第二期是德宗貞元二十年至憲宗元和八年(813)春作〈進學解〉之前。第三期是憲宗元和八年三月以後,至穆宗長慶四年(824)止。以此分界,合乎韓愈生活的變化情形,也能印證韓愈散文風格的轉變現象。 建立分期之後,可看出韓愈散文早期的特色有三:一是求仕上書相關作品甚多,二是多數作品帶有平正古樸的語言風格,三是建立起“文以明道”的文學觀,此一觀念成型之後,終身不改。中期的特色有三:一是書牘、贈序、墓誌銘的作品大量增加,二是不再多作闡揚文藝理論的工作,代之而起的是大膽的實踐與創新,明顯追求詩文的雄奇變怪,三是韓愈與佛老之徒有所接觸,也受到佛學教義的影響,他的散文開始提出強烈的反佛老主張。至於晚期的特色也有三:一是延續前期有許多墓誌銘作品之外,大量增多了奏議、哀祭類作品,二是晚年筆調更趨成熟,在文體、主題上都能因事制宜,三是隨著境遇心情的轉變,詩文風格又漸趨平緩,立言趨於謹慎,語氣平和許多。
It would improve our better understanding of a complete works if we separated a period of time of an author. But we could rarely see Han-Yu's (韓愈) prose separated by periods through his poetry. So we must raise some questions about Han-Yu's prose: Whose separated periods was correct? Were the separated periods of Han-Yu's prose as same as his poetry? What was the regularity of separating a period? What was the meaning of separated periods of Han-Yu's prose? According to the discussions of separated periods of Han-Yu's poetry, this paper also separated three periods of Han-Yu's prose based on his quite changed life. The first period came from birth to 803, before he was banished from the capital to Yang-shan (陽山). The second period came from 804 to the spring of 813, before he wrote the article named jin-xue-jie (進學解). The third period came from March, 813 to 824. It was clearly evident that Han-Yu's life was quite changed and also his own writings style was changed. The three periods of Han-Yu's prose was established. We found the characteristics of the first period included three aspects: 1. Han-Yu wrote many letters that he desired a position at the central government. 2. Han-Yu's prose at this period was ancient, normal and peaceful style. 3. Han-Yu used his writings to revive Confucius scholarship and to do it with his whole life. The characteristics of the second period also included three aspects: 1. Han-Yu wrote many letters and inscriptions. 2. Han-Yu stated his views of literary criticism very little, and he wrote the majestic, grotesque, highly changeable literary style with a confident bearing. 3. Han-Yu associated with Buddhists and Taoists under the influence of them. But he offered violent controversies in his writings. And the characteristics of the third period also included three aspects: 1. Besides many inscriptions, Han-Yu wrote many memorials to the throne and funeral orations. 2. The style of writing was very fine at his old age. He wrote with circumstances alter cases when he needed to adopt different literary forms or subjects. 3. Because his frame of mind was changed, his writing style was changed, too. Han-Yu's prose at this period was peaceful, amiable, careful and discreet style.
It would improve our better understanding of a complete works if we separated a period of time of an author. But we could rarely see Han-Yu's (韓愈) prose separated by periods through his poetry. So we must raise some questions about Han-Yu's prose: Whose separated periods was correct? Were the separated periods of Han-Yu's prose as same as his poetry? What was the regularity of separating a period? What was the meaning of separated periods of Han-Yu's prose? According to the discussions of separated periods of Han-Yu's poetry, this paper also separated three periods of Han-Yu's prose based on his quite changed life. The first period came from birth to 803, before he was banished from the capital to Yang-shan (陽山). The second period came from 804 to the spring of 813, before he wrote the article named jin-xue-jie (進學解). The third period came from March, 813 to 824. It was clearly evident that Han-Yu's life was quite changed and also his own writings style was changed. The three periods of Han-Yu's prose was established. We found the characteristics of the first period included three aspects: 1. Han-Yu wrote many letters that he desired a position at the central government. 2. Han-Yu's prose at this period was ancient, normal and peaceful style. 3. Han-Yu used his writings to revive Confucius scholarship and to do it with his whole life. The characteristics of the second period also included three aspects: 1. Han-Yu wrote many letters and inscriptions. 2. Han-Yu stated his views of literary criticism very little, and he wrote the majestic, grotesque, highly changeable literary style with a confident bearing. 3. Han-Yu associated with Buddhists and Taoists under the influence of them. But he offered violent controversies in his writings. And the characteristics of the third period also included three aspects: 1. Besides many inscriptions, Han-Yu wrote many memorials to the throne and funeral orations. 2. The style of writing was very fine at his old age. He wrote with circumstances alter cases when he needed to adopt different literary forms or subjects. 3. Because his frame of mind was changed, his writing style was changed, too. Han-Yu's prose at this period was peaceful, amiable, careful and discreet style.