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本研究旨在探討高中學生之金錢態度與理財行為的關係。首先從文獻中討論金錢態度的意義、金錢態度的內涵,接著分析不同階段探討金錢態度與理財行為研究的文獻,做為本研究問卷設計的參考。縱觀國內外有關金錢態度與理財行為的問卷,自編「南投縣高中職學生金錢態度與理財行為」調查問卷,研究不同背景變項是否影響高中生金錢態度與理財行為,以及學生金錢態度與理財行為之間的相關性。調查資料以SPSS 22.電腦軟體處理,採用描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析與事後多重比較、典型相關等方式進行統計分析,本研究結果描述如下: 壹、南投縣高中學生金錢態度程度尚可,在「維持/時間」向度表現最佳。 貳、南投縣高中學生理財行為表現良好,在「金錢管理與規劃」向度表現最弱。 參、不同背景變項學生,在金錢態度部分向度有顯著差異。 肆、不同背景變項學生,在理財行為部分向度有顯著差異。 伍、南投縣高中學生金錢態度與理財行為大部分向度間達到顯著正相關
The purposes of this study were to understand the current financial literacy and financial behavior among senior high school students in Nantou County, and to examine the relationship between money attitudes and financial behavior. The study is conducted with questionnaires designed literature review and related empirical studies. The questionnaires were distributed to the senior high school students in Nantou County, and 757 valid samples. According to the answers given by the respondents, data were analyzed by using descriptive statistic, t-test, one way ANONA, and Spearman correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis. Then the collected data were analyzed and discussed. The major findings of this study were summarized as follows: 1. The senior high school students of Nantou County display ordinary and medium degree in money attitudes. 2. The senior high school students of Nantou County show good sense and positive attitude in financial behavior. 3. The variance analysis of students' money attitudes shows that variables have significant differences in students' money attitudes. 4. The variance analysis of students' financial behavior shows that variables have significant differences in students' financial behavior. 5. There is a positive correlation between students' money attitudes and financial behavior.



金錢態度, 理財行為, Money Attitude, Financial Behavior





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