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本研究旨在瞭解研究生生活壓力、社會支持與學習滿意度之現況、不同背景變項與三者的差異情形、三者間相關情形與不同背景變項、生活壓力與社會支持對研究生學習滿意度之預測力。本研究以臺北縣市八所公私立大學日間部正規班碩士研究生447名為研究對象,以自編「研究生生活壓力、社會支持與學習滿意度量表」進行問卷調查。本研究主要發現如下: 一、 臺北縣市碩士研究生生活壓力的排序依序為學習壓力、經濟壓力、人際壓力;社會支持的排序依序為同學朋友的支持、家人的支持、老師的支持;學習滿意度的排序依序為與老師相關滿意度、學習經驗滿意度、課程與環境滿意度。 二、 在生活壓力方面,研究生的年級、婚姻狀況、工作狀況、公私立、研究所類別與英文能力的不同會造成差異;在社會支持方面,研究生的性別、工作狀況、研究所類別與英文能力的不同會造成差異;在學習滿意度方面,研究生的工作狀況、公私立、研究所類別、英文能力與家庭社經狀況會造成差異。 三、 研究生生活壓力、社會支持之間為顯著負相關;研究生生活壓力與學習滿意度之間為顯著負相關;研究生社會支持與學習滿意度之間為顯著正相關。 四、 老師的支持、同學朋友的支持、有全職工作、女性、整體生活壓力和高家庭社經狀況對研究生學習滿意度有預測力。 本研究根據以上發現,提出具體建議,作為高等教育相關政策制訂、研究生輔導與研究生就讀前的準備。
The Purpose of the study was to understand the current situation of life stress, social support and learning satisfaction for graduate students reviewed; these three factors for graduate students from different backgrounds were compared; the correlation among these three factors was discussed; how graduate students’ life stress, social support impact their learning satisfaction. Data were collected through self-developed questionnaire of “Graduate students’ life stress, social support and learning satisfaction”. Of the 447 graduate students, including four public and four private universities in Taipei city and county were the sample in this study. Descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation and multiple regression analysis were employed to implement the data analysis and verification hypothesis. The conclusions are summarized as follow: 1. The highest to the lowest scores of graduates students’ life stress are in the following order, “The stress of learning”, “the stress of economics”, and “the stress of human relationships”. In the way of social support, the support of classmates and friends ranked highest, and then the support of family ranked second, and the support of faculty ranked last. In the way of learning satisfaction, the satisfaction of faculty ranked highest, the satisfaction of learning experience ranked second and the satisfaction of curriculum and environment ranked last. 2. Different factors such as grade results, marriage status, employment status, English competency of students, different departments and public-owned/ private-owned school students attend all make influence on different stress level of students’ lives. Different factors such as gender, employment status and English competency also played an important role that influenced the result of the survey on student’s social support. In graduate students’ learning satisfaction, employment status, different departments and public-owned/private-owned students attend, English competency and social-economic status were significant factors in the survey. 3. There were significant negative correlation between life stress and social support; and negative correlation between life stress and learning satisfaction; and positive correlation between social support and learning satisfaction. 4. The graduates students’ learning satisfaction can be predicted based on the support of faculty, the support of classmates and friends, employment status, female, life stress and upper social-economics. Based on the findings, recommendation for practice and for further research are presented.



研究生, 成人學生, 生活壓力, 社會支持, 滿意度, 學習滿意度, 高等教育, 學生事務, graduate student, adult student, life stress, social support, satisfaction, learning satisfaction, higher education, student affairs





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