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本研究旨在探討勞動部2015年主動針對剛通過身心障礙特種考試的身心障礙者所提供就業相關協助服務資訊的創新性做法,與職務再設計服務對身心障礙公務員在工作適應上的影響。透過質性研究方式,以半結構訪談題綱,蒐集四位身心障礙公務員、二位用人單位代表及二位職務再設計服務專業人員等研究參與者的經驗,並透過NVivo第十版質性軟體進行分析,研究發現如下: 一、用人單位代表及職務再設計專業服務人員受訪時皆不知勞動部有上述創新服務,但有接觸到創新做法的身心障礙公務員皆感到貼心。藉由說明會的專人講解、案例及圖示有助於身心障礙公務員瞭解職務再設計的內涵,另透過職務再設計需求初篩表,可協助瞭解自我的需求及可預知未來職場可能的工作阻礙。 二、在職務再設計服務執行的過程中,身心障礙公務員感受到的困難有:職場不支持且不認同職務再設計的成效、怕職場觀感不佳而不提申請、審查核定到完成改善項目的期程過長,及輔具使用機動性不足。用人單位認為職務再設計的困難在於不瞭解職務再設計的訊息與成效、及身心障礙公務員怕麻煩別人。而服務專業人員則觀察到的職務再設計困難有職場不支持、身心障礙公務員不願申請、申請單位內部溝通出問題。 三、在完成職務再設計後,身心障礙公務員認為職務再設計提高了本身在職場的獨立性、自主性、工作效率,且減少工作疲憊;職場肯定職務再設計改善身心障礙公務員在工作阻礙的成效、有看到身心障礙公務員發揮工作實力完成交託工作。職務再設計服務專業人員觀察到職務再設計的效益包括:促進身心障礙公務員獨立性、提高工作效率與品質、促進工作穏定。
The purpose of this study was to explore effects of the initiative of Ministry of Labor to promote employment assistances and job accommodation for national employment examination officers with disabilities in 2015. After interviewed four national employment examination officers with disabilities, two employers and two job accommodation service professionals with semi-structured questionnaires. The collected information was analyzed by NVivo 10. The results were as the followings: 1.Employers and job accommodation professional staffs initially did not know the innovative of Ministry of Labor. National employment examination officers with disabilities had access to the innovative had felt intimate. National employment examination officers with disabilities participated the initiative, expressed the initiative helped them to understand job accommodation services, needs of themselves, and predicted the possible workplace obstructions. 2.Obstructions of process of job accommodation services included: (1)National employment examination officers: no motivation to apply for a job accommodation services because of their coworkers’ negative thoughts, having to wait a long time for job accommodation services approved. (2)Workplace supervisors and colleagues: did not understand the connotation of job accommodation and did not give sufficient support. 3.Job accommodation could enhance the independence, autonomy, and efficiency of employment officers with disabilities. Job accommodation also could make national employment examination officers with disabilities to work hard to complete the entrusted work, and could improve the quality of work. Besides, job accommodation also could reduce the working hours.



身心障礙特種考試公務員, 職務再設計, 工作適應, national employment officers with disabilities, job accommodation, work adaptation





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