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摘 要 本研究的主要目的在於瞭解國中生運動行為現況,探討個人背景因素、運動社會心理因素、環境因素與運動行為的關係。研究對象以新竹縣立湖口中學國中部國一、國二、國三之在學學生為母群體,以分層集束抽樣法進行抽樣,以自編的結構式問卷為研究工具進行資料收集,共得有效樣本408人。研究資料以百分比、平均值、卡方檢定、one-way ANOVA、MANOVA單因子多變項分析、薛費氏事後比較等統計方法進行資料分析。重要結果歸納如下: 一、研究對象的運動行為階段以準備期人數最多占52.5%,以行動期最少8.6%,依序是無意圖期占18.9%,意圖期占11%,維持期占9.1%。 二、研究對象運動社會心理因素:知覺運動利益、知覺運動障礙屬中等偏高程度,運動自我效能屬中等偏低程度,運動享樂感屬偏高程度,運動社會支持屬於中等程度,其中以教師的社會支持偏低。 三、研究對象背景因素中性別、年級、自覺健康狀況在運動行為階段上有顯著差異;男生比女生有規律運動行為,自覺健康狀況越好者較有規律運動行為。 四、研究對象為女生、自覺健康狀況越差的知覺運動障礙越高。 五、研究對象為男生、自覺健康狀況越好者,運動自我效能、運動享樂感 越好。 六、不同的運動行為階段的研究對象在知覺運動利益、運動自我效能、運動享樂感、運動社會支持上皆有顯著差異。當運動行為階段越高時,知覺運動利益、運動自我效能、運動享樂感、運動社會支持則越高。 七、不同的運動行為階段的研究對象在知覺運動障礙方面有顯著差異,當運動行為階段越高則知覺運動障礙分數越低。 最後依據研究結果對未來提升中學生運動行為及研究提出建議以供參考。 關鍵字:中學生、運動行為改變階段、運動行為
Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the current exercise behavior of junior high school students, and to examine the relationships between exercise behavior and selected personal background characteristics, as well as exercise of social psyche and environment factor. The subjects of this survey were selected from Hsinchu County Hukou High School students by using the cluster sampling method, and the effective sample was 408 students. The data were collected through self- administered questionnaires. Descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, t-test, one-way ANOVA, one-way MANOVA and Scheffe’s post hoc test were used to analyze the data. The results of this research were as follows: 1. In stages of exercise behavior change the most part in preparation(52.5%)and least part in action(8.6%).Others were in the precontemplation(18.9%), contemplation(11%), maintenance(9.1%). 2. The subjects about exercise of social psyche factor found exercise benefits and exercise barriers belonged to middle higher level, self-efficacy for exercise was in middle lower level , sport enjoyment was in higher level , the exercise social support was in middle level ,the support from teachers was in lower level. 3. Gender, grade, and perceived health condition participation were significantly related to The stage of change for exercise. The male have regular exercise behavior better than female. perceived health condition better have regular exercise behavior. 4. When female perceived health condition bad, they represented the higher exercise barriers. 5. When male perceived health condition good, they showed the higher exercise self-efficacy and enjoyment for exercise. 6. The subjects that exercise benefits , Self-efficacy for exercise, , Enjoyment for exercise, Social support for exercise , and Outcome expectation value for exercise made significant differences to distinguish stage from stage and scores increased at each level from the precontemplation through to the maintenance stage. 7. The subjects the exercise barriers in the different stages of exercise behavior had significant differences. Exercise barriers scores decreased at each level from the precontemplation through to the maintenance stage. According to the finding of this study ,suggestions of future researches and promotion of the stage of change for exercise in the high school Key words: Junior high school student, the stage of change for exercise, exercise behavior.



中學生, 運動行為改變階段, 運動行為, Junior high school student, the stage of change for exercise, exercise behavior





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