

近年來受到動漫文化的影響,市面上充斥的公仔商品以及生活週遭不勝枚舉的公仔符號,讓公仔幾乎成為消費社會及流行文化的最佳代言人。 本研究旨在探討公仔符碼在當代藝術創作上的應用關係,共分為七章。第一章緒論,介紹研究動機、研究內容及範圍限制。第二章探究創作思想脈絡與理論根源,透過後現代哲思及藝術理論史料的佐證援引作學理研究。第三章從次文化現象與公仔體系觀察,配合當今社會諸般流行現象的研析及生活中公仔體系的歸納,釐清創作與社會環境之間的演繹脈絡。第四章說明「學你公仔」的定義、構成要素以及類別,闡述公仔符碼在創作中的應用架構,並列舉中外作品賞析。第五章介紹筆者研究所就讀期間,兩大系列作品的內容、形式、技法與媒材等創作概觀。第六章再根據兩大系列十件作品逐一解說,做為本研究的理論實踐及檢討印證的對象。第七章則是簡單的結語及展望。
In recent years, under the influences of the animation and manga culture, consumers have been flooded with commodity of action figures and had their daily surroundings filled with these easily recognized icons. Consequently, Action figures have undoubtedly become the most ideal spokespersons for the consuming society and pop culture. Thus, this research aims to investigate the codes and symbols of action figures and icons of the action figures, and to further assess their application in the creation of Contemporary Art. The structure of this article continues as per the following index, with the first section exemplifying the trend of postmodern thoughts and the review of the art theory literature. The next part describes the analysis of pop culture as a social phenomenon by the generalization of the three differential systems of action figures. Then it provides the definition of action figure, a time-line of their evolution and additional observations. After which the methodologies are presented, with details of the media and drawing techniques for the application of action figure codes and the icons to paintings. Two series of paintings created during the graduate study are introduced as specimens to be examined by the theories conducted in this research. Finally, conclusions are drawn for reflection on personal creativity and a description is given for what is expected to come in the future.



後現代, 擬像, 當代藝術, 符號遊戲, 繪畫創作, 公仔, Post-modern, Simulacrum, Contemporary Art, Semiurgy, the creation of painting, action figure





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