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隨著網路及行動裝置的蓬勃發展,智慧型行動設備的普及和通訊技術的革新,透過智慧型行動設備付款的「行動支付」( Mobile Payment ) 模式 ,正興起一股替代現金甚至是信用卡的趨勢,在世界各地迅速發展中。 本研究以創新擴散理論 (Innovation Diffusion Theory, IDT) 通用模式作為主要理論並加以延伸結合科技接受模式 (Technology Acceptance Model, TAM) 為基礎,提出相對利益(銷售額增加、降低成本)、靈活性以及易用性作為研究構面,探討近端 (Near Field Communication, NFC) 行動支付對餐飲業營運績效之影響,採用便利抽樣法以問卷收集方式針對餐飲業營運者及主管取得問卷,探討近端行動支付對餐廳營運績效之影響,並以餐廳規模為調節變數。 本問卷回收279份有效問卷,透過SPSS 23.0 進行描述性統計分析與回歸分析,研究結果顯示,五個構面皆對營運績效有顯著影響,但皆未達4分滿意度,顯示近端行動支付系統仍然不夠切合業者對於營運上的需求。在加入以餐廳規模作為調節作用的分析結果,僅易用性與信任和安全有調節效果,最後本研究將依研究結果給予餐廳業者建議,以提升近端行動支付對餐廳營運之績效。
With the rapid development of network and mobile devices, cloud computing technology has become more sophisticated, the popularization of smart phones and innovations in communication technology, the "mobile payment" via smart phones is emerging as an alternative to cash as well as credit cards and is rapidly evolving around the world. This study is based on the General model of Innovation Diffusion Theory (General model of IDT) as the main theory and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as the supporting theory. Relative advantages including the increase of sales quota and the reduction of costs, along with flexibility, and accessibility are large parts of the research. The convenience sampling method and questionnaires filled by restaurant operators and supervisors are adopted to investigate the impact of Near Field Communication mobile payment on restaurant operating performance. Restaurant size are used as a moderator variable. 279 valid questionnaires were submitted and SPSS 23.0 was adopted to undergo descriptive statistics analysis and regression analysis. The results showed that five factors proved significant in restaurant operating performance but all did not reach four points in satisfaction, indicating that mobile payment systems are still unable to meet restaurants’ needs. After taking “number of employees” as a moderator for analysis, handiness, trustworthiness, and safety were the three effective factors. This research will be a reference for restaurant operators to help with improving restaurant operating performances via mobile payments.



近端行動支付, 營運績效, 餐廳規模, 創新擴散理論通用模式, 科技接受模式, Near Field Communication Mobile Payment, Restaurant operating performance, Restaurant size, The General Model of Innovation Diffusion Theory, Technology Acceptance Model





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