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本研究以歷經婚姻暴力的成年女性為主體,藉質性研究之探索力,貼近她們的主觀經驗。共邀請九位在正式法定婚姻關係中遭受異性配偶暴力對待的女性,透過半結構式深度訪談方法,經由女性們的親身敘說,理解她們在經歷未婚、已婚、婚姻中遭遇暴力及離開關係再建安身之家等生命重要時期,對家看法與期待的形成脈絡及彼此之間的轉換關係和影響,並探討在其脫離暴力生活、建置安身之家的歷程中,社會支持系統的介入經驗及所需的支持內涵為何。 本研究發現:婚姻中的受暴女性,在其未婚時期的原生家庭中,因雙親缺乏滋養她們愛的需求及保護的能力,無法滿足其家是避風港灣的期待,於是女性們紛紛以進入婚姻做為離家的策略,將婚姻之家及婆家視為補償原生之家不足的客體。當婚姻中出現了暴力,客體的期待幻滅,女性們以離開為經、以對外求援為緯,藉由自我力量為自己與孩子建置一個溫馨、安全、有愛的避風港,真正實踐了自我對家的期待與看法。但建置安身之家過程中,因所處社會脈絡的缺乏支持,受暴女性們在住宅、經濟及情感的需求上,必需憑靠自我的能力來因應生活的挑戰! 政府在提供婚姻中受暴女性的服務內涵上,聚焦於緊急危機的階段處理,卻將縣市家防中心建置在防治網絡工作的統籌核心位置,如此的設計,在她們重建安身之家的角色上將在刻板的專業分工上被犧牲,如此的犧牲,也將造成受暴女性在支持系統匱乏之下,落入再回到受暴的婚姻之家危機中。女性在父權結構的設計之下,不論身處於原生家庭或婚姻之家,都受到來自性別的壓迫經驗,如此的壓迫經驗也促使她們在歷經暴力、脫離暴力、決心重新再生活的過程中,產生了影響。 本研究建議未來在提供婚姻關係中受暴女性服務時,應由積極協助其重建生活的角度為起始點,考慮她們的處境與需要,從政策規劃、防治網絡合作、社會工作實務、教育等方面進行,提供適宜的服務模式,真正落實對婚姻中受暴女性的脫離暴力、安全生活的服務內涵。
The research aims to investigate marital violence through a qualitative interview with nine women suffering from their heterosexual spouses. From the interviews, the researcher gains a closer look at their subjective experience. Through semi-structured interviews, the participants narrate their own life stories about their views of from being unmarried, married, violence in marriage, and to leaving a marriage. Through their narration, we may understand the important interconnections among these periods, and the impact of which on their views and expectations of “home”. The second purpose of this research is to explore the social support system intervention process and its underlying process of the necessary supports these suffering women need when they try to establish a secure life. The research shows that women suffering from marital violence share a commonality in their expectation of “homes”. Their birth parents of these women were unable to provide the need of love and a sense of protection. Because of this insufficiency, women enter a marriage in order to get away from their birth homes, and the marital homes or the husband's families are viewed as a compensation of love for their birth homes. When they encounter marital violence and their expectations disenchant, these women leave their marriages and then ask for external assistance in order to build a warm, safe, and loving home for themselves and their children, and to practice self-expectations and views of the homes based on their own strength. The process of building a place to live, however, is full of challenges, such as residential, economic and emotional supports. Therefore, it is necessary for these women to rely on own abilities to cope with life challenges! The supports Government provided focus mainly on the emergency stage of the crisis for battered women in the marriage service. On the other hand, the counties’ Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Center is to build co-ordinate position in the overall work of violence prevention network. Because of the rigid specialization design, the suffering women’s roles are to be sacrificed in women's reconstruction of the secure home. This further leads that the battered women under the lack of support systems may fall back into the battered marriage family crisis. This research suggests that the services for marital violence women should start from the consideration of a secure life establishment. These considerations should include policy legislation, preventive network cooperation, social work practice, and education, which provides suitable service mode. Based on these foundations, implement what is needed for these battered women in the marriage. It is my sincere hope that the research will serve further understanding the specific needs of marital women, and provide useful evidence-based research findings to practitioners, policy-makers, and other stakeholders.



婚姻暴力, 原生之家, 安身之家, 防治網絡, 父權結構, 性別, marital violence, original family, a place to live home, prevention network, patriarchal structure, gender





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