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臺灣同志運動發展經歷了一大段漫漫長路,終於在2019年5月17日立法院通過了《司法院釋字第748號解釋施行法》,對教學現場的同志教師而言,是否能因為法律制度層面的改變,而創造出更友善平等的環境呢?本研究主要透過半結構訪談兩位女同志教師與一位男同志教師,探討國中同志教師的自我認同、職場處境與行動策略,也希望能對日後營造更性別多元友善的教學現場與社會做出貢獻與建議。研究結論: (一) 同志教師的標籤存在之意義對三位教師不盡相同:對於同志教師的標籤的負面意涵,對教師來說是有所壓迫的,但若能無懼於標籤讓同志教師被看見,也能有助於社會對同志教師的理解。 (二) 行動策略之關於出櫃:不正面出櫃、直接表態出櫃、依情況決定;這幾個行動策略與教師面臨的職場環境是否友善有直接的關聯。 (三) 現在與未來:透過學校師資培育制度、大眾傳播媒體的推廣建立理想的性別平等環境。 最後,研究者根據研究結論提出建議,以做為未來研究的參考。
The Legislative Yuan of Taiwan on 17th May 2019 passed a separate law to legalize same-sex marriage: the Act for Implementation of Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 748. It been a long time for the LGBT rights movement in Taiwan. The workplace situation is more friendly to LGBT teachers with the act be passed?The study aimed to explorer the identify process, workplace situation and act strategies of LGBT teachers among junior high school and provide suggestions of gender and LGBT friendly educational environment and society in the future. By using semi-structured interviews in qualitative research to collect data. The author interviewed three LGBT teachers among junior high school.  The results of the research are as follows: 1. It is different from the interviewee about the LGBT Identity Label. The negative connotations of the labels of LGBT teachers are oppressive for teachers, but if they are not afraid to let LGBT teachers be seen by labels, it can also help the society to understand LGBT teachers. 2. Act strategies: Come out or not, the act strategies are depend on how friendly of the workplace situation among LGBT teachers. 3. Now and future: start from the mass media and teacher education institution to establish an ideal gender and LGBT equality environment.Base on the findings of this study, the author provided suggestions for future studies.



同志教師, 自我認同, 職場處境, 行動策略, LGBT Teachers, Identify Process, Workplace Situation, Act Strategies





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