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本研究旨在探討大專校院自閉症學生學校適應現況,並分析不同背景變項 之差異情形。採調查研究法,以研究者自編之「大學生學校適應問卷」為研究工具,分層考慮學校區域佔母群體之比例,對全國公私立大專校院自閉症學生隨機抽樣,共發出有效問卷147 份。再以描述性統計、獨立樣本t 檢定、單因子變異數分析進行統計分析。研究結果如下: 壹、 大專校院自閉症學生學校適應現況 一、 大專校院自閉症學生在整體學校適應、生活適應、學習適應、社會適 應、生涯展望以及自我決策表現平均得分大多屬於中等程度。 二、 以自我決策表現最佳,其次為生涯展望、生活適應、學習適應,社會 適應表現最差。 貳、 不同背景變項差異分析 一、 不同性別的大專校院自閉症學生在整體學校適應、生活適應、學習適 應、社會適應、生涯展望、自我決策適應表現皆無顯著差異。 二、 不同年級的大專校院自閉症學生在整體學校適應無顯著差異,但二年 級學生之生涯展望適應表現優於五年級以上學生。 三、 不同入學管道的大專校院自閉症學生在整體學校適應、生活適應、學 習適應、社會適應、生涯展望、自我決策適應表現皆無顯著差異。 四、 不同科系類組的大專校院自閉症學生在整體學校適應無顯著差異,但 第一類組科系學生的生活適應優於第二類組科系學生。 五、 外宿之大專校院自閉症學生在整體學校適應、生活適應、社會適應、 自我決策情形皆優於居住家中學生。 六、 不同學業成就表現的大專校院自閉症學生在整體學校適應達到顯著 差異。學業表現優於同儕或普通者其整體學校適應、生活適應、生涯 展望、自我決策皆優於學業落後者。另外學業成就表現越好,學習適 應表現越佳。 七、 有無社團經驗的大專校院自閉症學生在整體學校適應無顯著差異,但 有社團經驗者之學習適應表現優於無社團經驗者。 八、 有無打工經驗之大專校院自閉症學生在整體學校適應、生活適應、學 習適應、社會適應、生涯展望、自我決策適應表現皆無顯著差異。 九、 有無戀愛經驗的大專校院自閉症學生在整體學校適應無顯著差異,然 而有戀愛經驗者之自我決策優於無戀愛經驗者。 十、 沒有特殊求學經驗之大專校院自閉症學生在整體學校適應、生活適應、社會適應、生涯展望、自我決策表現皆優於有過特殊求學經驗者。 十一、 有資源教室服務使用經驗的自閉症大學生,在整體學校適應、生活適應、學習適應、社會適應、自我決策情形皆優於無資源教室服務使用 經驗者。
The purposes of this study was to explore the university students with autism about school adaptation, and analyze differences. The tool of research was a self-developed questionnaire “The questionnaire of adjustment for students with autism in universities”, sent to 147 members in universities. The data of questionnaires was analyzed with SPSS statistical software. The resulting survey data, with approaches as descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA. The results of this study were described as the following: 1. The university students with autism had a moderate extent on “whole school adjustment”, “campus life adjustment”, “learning adjustment”, “emotional and interpersonal relationship”, “career prospect” and “self-determination”. 2. They have the best performance in the field of “self-determination’’, followed by “career prospect”, “campus life adjustment” and “learning adjustment”, the worst is “emotional and interpersonal relationship”. 3. The gender of the university students with autism did not cause significant differences in “whole school adjustment”, “campus life adjustment”,“learning adjustment”, “emotional and interpersonal relationship”, “career prospect” and “self-determination”. 4. The university students with autism of different grade did not cause significant differences in “whole school adjustment”, but second grade students performed better than high graders in “career prospect”. 5. The different channels of college admission did not cause significant differences in “whole school adjustment”, “campus life adjustment”,“learning adjustment”, “emotional and interpersonal relationship”, “career prospect” and “self-determination”. 6. The university students with autism of different major did not cause significant differences in “whole school adjustment”, but the first classify elective students performed better than the second classify elective students in “campus life adjustment”. 7. The university students with autism of different accommodation style showed significant differences in “whole school adjustment”, “campus life adjustment”, “emotional and interpersonal relationship” and“self-determination”. Living outside students performed better than the students who live with family. 8. The different academic achievement showed significant differences in “whole school adjustment”, “campus life adjustment”, “learning adjustment”,“career prospect” and “self-determination”. Academic achievement better than peers or general students performed better than the students who peer behind. Academic achievement better, “learning adjustment” better. 9. The university students with autism of different club experience did not cause significant differences in “whole school adjustment”, but the students who have club experience performed better than the students who no experience in “learning adjustment”. 10. The part-time work of the university students with autism did not cause significant differences in “whole school adjustment”, “campus life adjustment”, “learning adjustment”, “emotional and interpersonal relationship”, “career prospect” and “self-determination”. 11. The university students with autism of different love experience did not cause significant differences in “whole school adjustment”, but the students who have love experience performed better than the students who no experience in “self-determination”. 12. The students who haven't special school experience performed better than the students who have special school experience in “whole school adjustment”, “campus life adjustment”, “emotional and interpersonal relationship”,“career prospect” and “self-determination”. 13. The students who have resource room program experience performed betterthan the students who haven't resource room program experience in “wholeschool adjustment”, “campus life adjustment”, “emotional and interpersonal relationship”, “learning adjustment” and “self-determination”.



大專校院, 自閉症, 學校適應, University, Autism, School Adjustment





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