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1987年《我們的共同未來》開啟了永續發展的脈絡,而「教育」是促進永續發展的關鍵(UNCED, 1992),並在2003年提出聯合國永續發展教育十年計畫2005-2014,揭示了永續發展教育的面向,做為未來持續推動的依準。因應國際的永續發展教育計畫,國民及學前教育署推動「結合社區永續發展試辦計畫」。本研究挑選參與此計畫的溪埔國中,探討學校實踐永續發展教育的課程及教師信念。本研究採個案研究方法,透過訪談及文件來收集研究資料。本研究結果發現教師在實踐永續發展教育課程之歷程中,採團隊共識與討論選定課程主題為鳳梨,利用素養導向課程設計方法,以學生為中心來強化學生的能力,並連結永續發展目標「負責任的生產與消費」而產生對課程的信念、期望與價值。這是一套跨領域的課程,並以滾動式的模式隨時調整具體的方向。進入課程設計前,核心團隊教師需要克服對在地不熟悉的挑戰,利用課餘的時間去社區走訪、踏查與交流。大家在集體中產生學習、創新與分享,影響了永續發展教育課程的目標、內容與發展方向。此外,教師們將接收到的內容轉化成課程,在課程設計與實施的信念上有所異同,也回應著與傳統教育的不同。且教師在實踐永續發展教育課程下,教師的專業能力不再侷限於原本的學科中,打破了主流社會的印象,拉近了學校與社區之間的距離,將在地社區的素材融入學科,對未來的課程、永續發展、永續發展教育也有更具體的想法和省思。核心團隊也因良好的團隊合作關係與領導者的個人風格,使大家的參與和討論顯得更有意義和價值。綜合研究結果與文獻,本研究提出學校實踐永續發展教育四個面向之研究建議,(一)永續發展教育計畫部分,為綜合結合社區永續發展試辦計畫目的與研究結果,以永續發展教育的內涵及特性提出未來可參考的計畫核心概念;(二)教師部分,分別提出針對夥伴關係、教師永續發展教育信念、教師與領導者自我批判與省思之建議;(三)課程部分,為綜合教師教學、學校與社區夥伴關係連結之課程設計與教學模式之建議;最後(四)則是對未來研究方向之建議。
In 1987, 《Our Common Future》 revealed the sustainable development, and the education is the key to promoting sustainable development (UNCED, 1992). That revealed the aspect of sustainable development education for practice sustainable development in the future. In response to the international sustainable development education plan, the “K-12 Education Administration” promotes the project that connected the community and school with sustainable development. In this study, we take the Sipujhs Junior High School in Kaohsiung city as an example, and explore the practice of curriculum and each teacher’s belief of the sustainable development education in schools. This research adopts a case study method and collects research data from interviews and documents.The results of this study found that teachers adopted team works and discussion to select the theme of the course as pineapple, used the literacy-oriented curriculum design method, and took students as the center. Teachers also take the SDGs target 12 as the value. This is a cross-domain courses, and adjusted at any time. Teachers need to investigate and communicate with the community, and everyone they have learned will influenced the direction of the sustainable development education curriculum.In addition, teachers have similarities and differences in the beliefs, and the beliefs also respond to the traditional education. Moreover, teacher’s professional abilities are no longer limited to the original disciplines, and also connected the schools and communities to integrating local materials into courses. After courses, we found that teachers have specific ideas of the future, sustainable development, and sustainable development education concepts. The core team also have good practice because of the team works relationship and discussion, and the leader's personal style. Combining the research results and literature, this study proposes four research suggestions: (1)the core concepts of the project that can be referred to in the future; (2) suggestions for partnership, teacher’s sustainable development education beliefs, teachers and leader’s self-criticism and reflection; (3) suggestions for curriculum design and teaching mode; and finally (4)a proposal for future research directions.
In 1987, 《Our Common Future》 revealed the sustainable development, and the education is the key to promoting sustainable development (UNCED, 1992). That revealed the aspect of sustainable development education for practice sustainable development in the future. In response to the international sustainable development education plan, the “K-12 Education Administration” promotes the project that connected the community and school with sustainable development. In this study, we take the Sipujhs Junior High School in Kaohsiung city as an example, and explore the practice of curriculum and each teacher’s belief of the sustainable development education in schools. This research adopts a case study method and collects research data from interviews and documents.The results of this study found that teachers adopted team works and discussion to select the theme of the course as pineapple, used the literacy-oriented curriculum design method, and took students as the center. Teachers also take the SDGs target 12 as the value. This is a cross-domain courses, and adjusted at any time. Teachers need to investigate and communicate with the community, and everyone they have learned will influenced the direction of the sustainable development education curriculum.In addition, teachers have similarities and differences in the beliefs, and the beliefs also respond to the traditional education. Moreover, teacher’s professional abilities are no longer limited to the original disciplines, and also connected the schools and communities to integrating local materials into courses. After courses, we found that teachers have specific ideas of the future, sustainable development, and sustainable development education concepts. The core team also have good practice because of the team works relationship and discussion, and the leader's personal style. Combining the research results and literature, this study proposes four research suggestions: (1)the core concepts of the project that can be referred to in the future; (2) suggestions for partnership, teacher’s sustainable development education beliefs, teachers and leader’s self-criticism and reflection; (3) suggestions for curriculum design and teaching mode; and finally (4)a proposal for future research directions.
永續發展, 永續發展教育, 教師信念, Sustainable development, Sustainable development education, Teacher beliefs