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前言:攔網在排球競賽中扮演著攻守兼具的重要角色,且攔網前常會進行側向不同步法的位移,在比賽和訓練中頻繁的攔網著地動作容易造成下肢傷害,因此有效的減緩衝擊是十分的重要。本研究目的:藉由收集攔網著地動作的運動學及動力學參數,以探討女性和男性在執行不同步法攔網著地動作上的差異。方法:本研究以8名女性及8名男性為研究對象,利用八台Vicon紅外線攝影機 (250Hz)、兩塊測力板 (1000Hz) 收集不同步法攔網著地之運動學及動力學的資料,並以混合設計二因子變異數分析進行資料處理。結果:跨步攔網著地相較於併步攔網著地會呈現較大的垂直與前後的地面反作用力;在著地瞬間會呈現較小的踝關節蹠屈角度、較大的膝關節內收力矩,在著地期間會呈現較小的踝關節活動範圍、較大的最大膝關節外翻角度、最大髖關節伸肌力矩、最大踝關節蹠屈肌力矩,而在最大垂直地面反作用力瞬間會呈現較小的膝關節屈曲角度、較大的髖關節伸肌力矩。女性相較於男性在著地瞬間會呈現較大的踝關節蹠屈角度,在著地期間會呈現較大的踝關節活動範圍、較小的最大髖關節伸肌力矩,而在最大垂直地面反作用力瞬間會呈現較大的膝關節外翻角度。在男性中,跨步攔網相較併步攔網會呈現較大的髖關節活動範圍、最大膝關節伸肌力矩、著地瞬間髖關節內收力矩、最大髖關節外展力矩;而在女性中,跨步攔網相較併步攔網著地呈現較大的最大膝關節內收力矩;在跨步攔網中,男性相較於女性呈現較大的最大膝關節伸肌力、著地瞬間髖關節內收力矩、最大髖關節外展力矩。結論:跨步攔網著地動作會增加膝關節的負荷,女性在執行攔網著地動作會利用較多踝關節活動進行著地的緩衝,但較大的膝關節外翻角度會提高下肢膝關節受傷的機會。
Block is an important skill in the volleyball competition, it is not only a defensive skill, but an offensive skill. Many volleyball players perform the different steps before block. The frequently landing movement in volleyball training and competition may increase the risk of lower extremity injuries. Therefore, it was important of reducing the ground impact more efficiently during landing. Purpose:The aim of this study was to investigate the the kinematics and kinetics difference in the gender while performing block landing after different steps. Method:Eight females and eight males were recruited from the university volleyball team. eight Vicon cameras (250Hz) and two force plates (1000Hz) were synchronized to collect kinematics and kinetics data during block landing after different steps. Result:Cross over step block landing exhibited greater vertical and anterior-posterior ground reaction forces. Cross over step block landing exhibited smaller ankle plantarflexion angle, greater knee adductor moment at the initial ground contact. During the landing phase, cross over step block landing exhibited smaller ankle range of motion (ROM) and greater peak knee valgus angle. Knee flexion angle was smaller in cross over step block landing at the time of peak vertical ground reaction force (PVGRF). Females exhibited greater ankle plantarflexion angle than males. During the landing phase, females exhibited greater ankle ROM and smaller peak hip extensor moment. Knee valgus angle was greater in females at the time of PVGRF. In the males, cross over step block landing exhibited greater hip ROM and knee extensor moment. In the females, cross over step block landing exhibited greater knee adductor moment。Conclusion:Cross over step block landing could increase the loading on the knee. Females utilized ankle motion to reduce more ground impact during block landing. However the greater knee valgus angle in females might cause increase the risk of injury on the knee.
Block is an important skill in the volleyball competition, it is not only a defensive skill, but an offensive skill. Many volleyball players perform the different steps before block. The frequently landing movement in volleyball training and competition may increase the risk of lower extremity injuries. Therefore, it was important of reducing the ground impact more efficiently during landing. Purpose:The aim of this study was to investigate the the kinematics and kinetics difference in the gender while performing block landing after different steps. Method:Eight females and eight males were recruited from the university volleyball team. eight Vicon cameras (250Hz) and two force plates (1000Hz) were synchronized to collect kinematics and kinetics data during block landing after different steps. Result:Cross over step block landing exhibited greater vertical and anterior-posterior ground reaction forces. Cross over step block landing exhibited smaller ankle plantarflexion angle, greater knee adductor moment at the initial ground contact. During the landing phase, cross over step block landing exhibited smaller ankle range of motion (ROM) and greater peak knee valgus angle. Knee flexion angle was smaller in cross over step block landing at the time of peak vertical ground reaction force (PVGRF). Females exhibited greater ankle plantarflexion angle than males. During the landing phase, females exhibited greater ankle ROM and smaller peak hip extensor moment. Knee valgus angle was greater in females at the time of PVGRF. In the males, cross over step block landing exhibited greater hip ROM and knee extensor moment. In the females, cross over step block landing exhibited greater knee adductor moment。Conclusion:Cross over step block landing could increase the loading on the knee. Females utilized ankle motion to reduce more ground impact during block landing. However the greater knee valgus angle in females might cause increase the risk of injury on the knee.
性別, 併步, 跨步, Gender, slide step, cross over step