
dc.contributor.authorYi-Chien Chungen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討高中資優生的獨立研究、問題解決能力與問題解決態度的現況、差異及相關情形。主要目的為:一、瞭解高中資優生在獨立研究、問題解決能力與問題解決態度之現況;二、探討不同背景變項的高中資優生在獨立研究現況、問題解決能力與問題解決態度之差異情形;三、瞭解高中資優生的獨立研究現況、問題解決能力與問題解決態度之相關情形;四、瞭解高中資優生的獨立研究現況對問題解決能力與問題解決態度之差異情形。 本研究以九十九學年度就讀臺北市公立高中數理資優班的學生為研究對象,每校選取一班,共157人。以自編的「獨立研究現況調查表」、修訂的「問題解決能力問卷」和「問題解決態度問卷」為研究工具,進行問卷調查法,其統計的方法包括:描述統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析和皮爾森積差相關,茲將研究結論歸納如下: 一、高中資優生的整體獨立研究現況感受在中等程度以上,各層面以 「研究方法因素」得分最高,「資源協助因素」得分最低;高中資優生的整體問題解決能力的表現在中等程度以上,各層面以「察覺問題存在能力」得分最高,「預想後果的能力」得分最低;高中資優生的整體問題解決態度的表現在中等程度以上,各層面以「趨避取向」得分最高,「個人掌握」得分最低,而此兩層面皆以反向計分。 二、就讀不同學校的高中資優生在整體獨立研究現況、問題解決能力 與問題解決態度方面皆無顯著差異;不同性別的高中資優生在獨立研究現況達顯著差異,女性學生的感受程度顯著優於男性學生。而不同性別的高中資優生在問題解決能力與問題解決態度方面皆無顯著差異。 三、高中資優生的獨立研究現況和問題解決能力間、獨立研究現況和問題解決態度間、問題解決能力和問題解決態度間皆達顯著相關。 四、在獨立研究現況感受較好的高中資優生,在問題解決能力和問題解決態度的表現也較佳;在獨立研究現況感受較差的高中資優生,在問題解決能力和問題解決態度的表現也較弱。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe study aims to investigate the current conditions, differences and relationships among independent study, problem-solving ability and problem-solving attitude. The purposes of the study include: 1) to understand the current conditions among independent study, problem-solving ability and problem-solving attitude of the gifted students in the senior high schools; 2) to explore the differences among independent study, problem-solving ability and problem-solving attitude of gifted students with various background in the senior high schools; 3) to realize the relationships among independent study, problem-solving ability and problem-solving attitude of gifted students in the senior high schools; 4) to realize how independent study affects problem-solving ability and problem-solving attitude of gifted students in the senior high schools. The study chooses students from mathematics and science gifted classes of public senior high schools in 2010 as research subjects, which make a total of 157, with one class chosen from each school. The study adopts a questionnaire survey method by using research tools including self-adopted “independent study survey”, revised “questionnaire on the problem-solving ability”, “questionnaire on the problem-solving attitude”. The results were analyzed through the following statistics methods: descriptive statistics analysis, independent sample t-test, One-Way ANOVA and Pearson's product-moment correlation. Conclusions are achieved as follows: 1.Regarding to the current conditions of independent study perceived by gifted students in the senior high schools, the score marks above average. All aspects, in which, the “research method factor” got the highest scores, and “resources assistance” got the lowest. Regarding to the current conditions of problem-solving ability perceived by gifted students in the senior high schools, the score reaches above average. All aspects, in which, the “problem awareness” got the highest scores, and “outcome envisions” got the lowest. Regarding to the current conditions of problem-solving attitude perceived by gifted students in the senior high schools, the score reaches above average. All aspects, in which, the “approach-avoidance intension” got the highest scores, and “control of oneself” got the lowest, and both aspects adopt reverse scoring. 2.There were no significant differences on the current conditions of independent study, problem-solving ability and problem-solving attitude of gifted students in the senior high schools. There were significant differences in the independent study on different-gender gifted students in the senior high schools, with the perception of female students being significantly higher than that of male students. There were no significant differences in the problem-solving ability and problem-solving attitude on different-gender gifted students in the senior high schools. 3.There were significant relationships between independent study and problem-solving ability, independent study and problem-solving attitude, and problem-solving ability and problem-solving attitude. 4.Among gifted students in the senior high schools, who have better perception in the independent study have better problem-solving ability and problem-solving attitude, whilst those with less than average perception do not perform well in the respects of problem-solving ability and problem-solving attitude.en_US
dc.subjectgifted students in the senior high schoolen_US
dc.subjectindependent studyen_US
dc.subjectproblem-solving abilityen_US
dc.subjectproblem-solving attitudeen_US
dc.titleA Study on the Conditions among Independent Study, Problem-Solving Ability and Problem-Solving Attitude of Gifted Students in the Senior High Schools.en_US

