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本篇研究旨在研究產業實習課程實作評量對於現場教學評量之評估成效,藉由自編教學評量與質性訪談方式瞭解產業實習學生教學成效與實習過程的準備與心路歷程。研究對象分為三類,分別為:產業實習課程學生16 人、3DVR 學員9人與企業導師2 人,產業實習課程採用協同方式教學,一組4 人,評量方式包含小組試教互評、老師與企業導師試教評量以及現場實習評量(3DVR 芳香療法、園藝治療)。本研究以質性分析為主,以評量表評語、上課錄影分析與質性訪談為主要質性資料。研究結果顯示實習學生於試教與實習均表現優良,實習學生認為自我成長包含課程設計、建立關係與團隊合作,3DVR 課程學員對實習學生有依戀感,對課程滿意度與再到課意願均高,企業導師認為實習學生最需必備知識為專業領域知識及先備知識,最需必備之態度為熱忱與良好學習態度,生涯發展可以機構照護與紓壓課程為主要方向。本研究對於未來相關研究提供幾點研究與課程實務建議:首先,增加研究樣本數與量性資料:如個人教學評量表等,量性資料如:3DVR 課程學員滿意度調查表等,接著研究可結合輔助療法對於高關懷學生或長照族群的相關介入研究,再來產業實習相關建議如:產業實習期程可再延長,以增加學生實習的練習機會或是可就場域職缺換產業相關趨勢與未來就業接軌,改善畢業即失業的現況。
The purpose of this research is to explore the effectiveness of industrial practice course. The experiences of internship of industrial practice students werecollected through self- teaching evaluation and qualitative interviews.The industrial internship course adopts collaborative teaching, a group of 4 persons, and the evaluation methods include group trial teaching and mutual evaluation. Teachers and corporate mentors evaluate trial teaching and on-site practice evaluation. This research focuses on qualitative analysis, with the main qualitative data such as scale comments, class video analysis and qualitative interviews.The research results show that intern students perform well in both trial teaching and internship. Intern students believe that self-growth includes curriculum design, relationship building and teamwork; 3DVR course students have a sense of attachment to intern students, and they are highly satisfied with the course and willing to attend classes again. ; The corporate instructor believes that the most necessary knowledge for intern students is professional domain knowledge and prior knowledge, and the most necessary attitude is enthusiasm and a good learning attitude. Career development can be the main direction of institutional care and stress relief courses. This research provides several research and curriculum practical suggestions for future related research: First, increase the number of research samples and quantitative data: such as personal teaching evaluation scale, etc., quantitative data such as: 3DVR course student satisfaction survey, etc., and then research It can be combined with adjuvant therapy for high-caring students or long-term care group related interventional research, and then come to industry internship related suggestions, such as: the industry internship period can be extended to increase students' practice opportunities for internship or to change industry in the field. Related trends are in line with future employment, improving the current situation of unemployment after graduation.
The purpose of this research is to explore the effectiveness of industrial practice course. The experiences of internship of industrial practice students werecollected through self- teaching evaluation and qualitative interviews.The industrial internship course adopts collaborative teaching, a group of 4 persons, and the evaluation methods include group trial teaching and mutual evaluation. Teachers and corporate mentors evaluate trial teaching and on-site practice evaluation. This research focuses on qualitative analysis, with the main qualitative data such as scale comments, class video analysis and qualitative interviews.The research results show that intern students perform well in both trial teaching and internship. Intern students believe that self-growth includes curriculum design, relationship building and teamwork; 3DVR course students have a sense of attachment to intern students, and they are highly satisfied with the course and willing to attend classes again. ; The corporate instructor believes that the most necessary knowledge for intern students is professional domain knowledge and prior knowledge, and the most necessary attitude is enthusiasm and a good learning attitude. Career development can be the main direction of institutional care and stress relief courses. This research provides several research and curriculum practical suggestions for future related research: First, increase the number of research samples and quantitative data: such as personal teaching evaluation scale, etc., quantitative data such as: 3DVR course student satisfaction survey, etc., and then research It can be combined with adjuvant therapy for high-caring students or long-term care group related interventional research, and then come to industry internship related suggestions, such as: the industry internship period can be extended to increase students' practice opportunities for internship or to change industry in the field. Related trends are in line with future employment, improving the current situation of unemployment after graduation.
產業實習, 教學評量, 實作評量, 協同教學, 質性訪談, industrial internship, teaching assessment, practical assessment, collaborative teaching, qualitative interview