

摘要 本研究採用質性研究法,深入探究三位就讀國小普通班的智能障礙兒童與一般同儕的友誼關係。資料蒐集為期5個月,透過訪談、觀察和收集相關文件等方式,與53位研究參與者互動而得。 經過資料蒐集、分析與詮釋,研究者先分別呈現三位智能障礙兒童與朋友相處的情形,再進一步提出共同的核心議題。研究主要發現如下: 一、普通班級裡的智能障礙兒童與一般同儕的友誼關係是存在著,但卻是不平等或是薄弱的。 二、透過成人的引導或智能障礙兒童能力的提升,都影響他們與一般同儕之間友誼關係的建立與發展。 三、一般同儕會因為個人過去的想法與經驗,而在選擇智能障礙同學當朋友上有不同的行為表現。如果增加他們與智障兒童接觸的機會,就可能帶來友誼關係上的轉變。 四、智能障礙兒童與一般同儕的友誼關係對彼此都是重要的,雙方都能從中學習。 整體而言,智能障礙兒童是渴望與一般同儕建立友誼關係的,但融合的教育情境並不必然就能帶來兒童間的友誼。要有成人、一般同儕和智障兒童的努力,才能使關係有所轉變。
The Friendship between Three Children with Intellectual Disability and Their Classmates ABSTRACT Taking three cases as the examples, the friendship of the three children with intellectual disability (ID) with their classmates in the regular classroom of elementary school was explored in this qualitative study. The data were collected within five months through participation observation, interview and associated documents. The participants consist of Win, Jane, Yu and 50 other people including parents, siblings, classmates, and teachers. Through data collection, analysis, and interpretation, the results revealed the friendship of the three children with ID. Furthermore, four core themes were synthesized: (1)The friendship between children with ID and their classmates in the regular classroom really exists, but it’s unequal or weak.(2)Adult's guidance or the improved abilities of children with ID will affect the establishment and development of the friendship between children with ID and their classmates.(3)The past ideas and experience of the general classmates will influence their behaviors on the selection of children with ID as a friend. If the interaction between them is increased, the friendship may be changed. (4) The friendship between children with ID and their classmates are important to each other. In addition, they may benefit from their friendship. Taken together, children with ID are desired to establish the friendship relations with their classmates. However, the inclusion education may not guarantee to bring the friendship among children. Therefore, the assistance and guidance from the teacher and parents, and the efforts from all the students are even more important to build up the friendship among students.



智能障礙, 融合, 友誼, 質性研究, Intellectual Disability, Includsion, Friendship, Qualitative study





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