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本研究旨在探討臺北市中正區國中家長與學生所知覺的親子關係、家長成癮物質預防效能之現況,並分析影響受測家長及學生知覺親子關係、家長成癮物質預防效能之相關因素。 本研究採次級資料分析,研究對象以分層隨機抽樣抽出九十六學年度第二學期就讀於臺北市中正區兩所市立國民中學之七、八年級學生及其家長,研究工具採用李景美等(2007)進行「社區青少年藥物濫用預防介入模式研究-以MDMA等俱樂部藥物為焦點」編制的調查問卷,共獲得有效親子配對樣本328對。資料整理後以SPSS18.0軟體進行統計分析。 本研究結果如下: 一、受測親子雙方知覺親子關係普遍良好,僅在親子溝通互動分項上有 略低的情況。 二、受測親子雙方知覺家長成癮物質預防效能尚佳,僅在菸酒檳榔預 防效能分項上有略低的情況。 三、受測親子雙方知覺親子關係會因家長背景變項、學生背景變項、家 長成癮物質使用行為不同,有顯著的不同。 四、受測親子雙方知覺家長成癮物質預防效能會因家長背景變項、學生 背景變項、家長成癮物質使用行為不同,有顯著的不同。 五、受測家長和學生間知覺親子關係有顯著中度的相關。 六、受測家長和學生間知覺家長成癮物質預防效能有顯著低度的相關。 七、家長背景變項、學生背景變項、家長成癮物質使用行為能顯著預測 受測家長知覺親子關係,可解釋的總變異量達11~14%,具中低度的 解釋力,其中以家長教育程度、家長職業、學生年級三個變項能顯 著預測受測家長知覺親子關係。 八、家長背景變項、學生背景變項、家長成癮物質使用行為能顯著預測 受測學生知覺親子關係,可解釋的總變異量達11~18%,具中低度的 解釋力。其中以家長教育程度、家長職業、家庭經濟狀況、家長婚 姻狀況、學生年級、學生成績六個變項能顯著預測受測學生知覺親 子關係。 九、家長背景變項、學生背景變項、家長成癮物質使用行為能顯著預 測受測家長知覺成癮物質預防效能,可解釋的總變異量達11%, 具低度的解釋力,其中家長教育程度能顯著預測受測家長知覺 成癮物質預防效能。 十、家長背景變項、學生背景變項、家長成癮物質使用行為能顯著預 測受測學生知覺家長成癮物質預防效能,可解釋的總變異量達11 %,具低度的解釋力,其中以家長職業、家庭經濟狀況、學生年 級三個變項能顯著預測受測學生知覺家長成癮物質預防效能。 依據研究結果,建議未來推動親職教育重點為:加強親子雙方溝通技巧、針對不同年級的學生及其家長做不同的親職教育規劃、強化弱勢家庭的家庭功能及親職效能。在推動成癮物質使用防制工作方面,建議未來發展適當的成癮物質預防親職教育介入方案、強化弱勢家庭家長成癮物質預防效能,以及提供有成癮物質使用行為的家庭戒除服務,以作為未來教育界、政策面、社福專業建議與計畫實施之參考依據。
The purposes of this study were to explore the parent-adolescent relationship and prevention efficacy of parental addictive substances and to analysis the related factors among the junior high school students and parents in Taipei City. This study used the secondary data analysis. The survey was conducted in 2007. By using stratified random sampling method, the parents and students were chosen from the seventh and the eighth graders in two junior high schools in Taipei City. Three hundred and twenty eight pairs of valid parent-child samples provided data with a self-administered questionnaire at schools and homes. SPSS18.0 software was used for statistical analysis. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. The perceived parent-adolescent relationship of parents and adolescent were generally good, with the scores of parent- adolescent communication being slightly lower. 2. The perceived prevention efficacy of parental addictive substances of parents and adolescent were acceptable, with the scores of prevention efficacy of tobacco, drinks and betel being slightly lower. 3.The perceived parent-adolescent relationship were significantly different among parents and adolescent with different parents background variables, students' background variables, behavior of parental addictive substances use. 4. The perceived prevention efficacy of parental addictive substances were significantly different among parents and adolescent with different parents background variables, students' background variables, behavior of parental addictive substances use. 5. The perceived parent-adolescent relationship of parents was positively related to the perceived parent-adolescent relationship of adolescent. 6. The perceived prevention efficacy of parental addictive substances of parents was positively related to the perceived prevention efficacy of parental addictive substances of adolescent. 7. Parents background variables, students' background variables, behavior of parental addictive substances use could predict the perceived parent-adolescent relationship of parents, with explained variance being 11~14%. Parents' educational level, parental occupation, students grades were important predicted variables of the perceived parent-adolescent relationship of parents. 8. Parents background variables, students' background variables, behavior of parental addictive substances use could predict the perceived parent-adolescent relationship of adolescent, with explained variance being 11~18%. Parents' educational level, parental occupation, family economic status, parental marital status, student grade, student achievement were important predicted variables of the perceived parent-adolescent relationship of adolescent. 9. Parents background variables, students' background variables, behavior of parental addictive substances use could predict the perceived prevention efficacy of parental addictive substances of parents, with explained variance being 11%. Parents' educational level was a important predicted variable of the perceived prevention efficacy of parental addictive substances of parents. 10. Parents background variables, students' background variables, behavior of parental addictive substances use could predict the perceived prevention efficacy of parental addictive substances of adolescent, with explained variance being 11%. Parental occupation, family economic status, student grade were important predicted variables of the perceived prevention efficacy of parental addictive substances of adolescent. In conclusion, it is suggested that parental education should emphasis on parent- adolescent communication skills, parenting education planning for different grades of students and their parents, and strengthen family functioning and parenting effectiveness of disadvantaged families. In addition, it is suggested that addictive substance use prevention work should develop the appropriate prevention plan of addictive substances use, strengthen the prevention efficacy of parental addictive substances of disadvantaged families, and provide the service to quit for those who have addictive substances use behavior in order to provide implication for education, policy, and social welfare.



家長, 學生, 親子關係, 成癮物質, , , 檳榔, 預防效能, parents, junior high school students, parent-adolescent, addictive substances, tobacco, drinks, betel, prevention efficacy





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