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有氧訓練對中老年糖尿病患者健康變數之影響 2005年6月 研 究 生:林怜利 指導教授:方進隆 摘 要 本研究目的旨在探討十二週中低強度有氧訓練對患有第二型糖尿病中老年人之血糖、血脂肪與健康體適能之影響。以41名年齡介於40-95歲(男性M=67.60歲,SD=11.65歲;女性M=66.57歲,SD=8.14歲)患有糖尿病之中老年人為對象, 進行12週、每週3次、每次60分鐘之中低強度(最大心跳率55%-70%)有氧訓練。並於訓練前、後實施體適能(BMI、體脂肪%、坐姿前彎、12分鐘跑走)與血液檢查(空腹血糖、血脂肪、三酸甘油酯、總膽固醇、高密度脂蛋白、低密度脂蛋白、醣化血色素)檢測。所得資料以t- test與Pearson積差相關分析,顯著水準為α=.05。結果如下: 一、 受試者的三酸甘油酯(前245 後183 mg/dl)、總膽固醇(前209 後 124 mg/dl)、低密度脂蛋白(前137 後112 mg/dl)、於12週有氧訓練後有顯著改善(p<.05)。 二、 受試者在12週訓練後之空腹血糖(前184後142 mg/dl)和糖化血色素(前11後7 %)皆有顯著改善(p<.05)。 三、 受試者在BMI(前29後24)、體脂肪%(前35.3後28.6%)、坐姿體前彎(前12.4後28 cm)、12分鐘跑走(前804.6後1007.2 公尺)於訓練後皆有明顯的進步(p<.05)。 12週中低強度有氧運動訓練可有效改善第二型糖尿病之中老年人體適能與健康變數。 關鍵字:中老年、第二型糖尿病、體適能、血脂肪、有氧訓練
The Influence of the Aerobic Training on Health Related Parameters of the Middle and Elderly Patients with Type II Diabetes Master,s Thesis, 2005 Lian-li Lin Advisor:Chin-lung Fang, Ph.D. Abstract This study was to investigate the effects of 12 weeks of aerobic training on the health related parameters (blood sugar, blood lipids and health-related physical fitness) of middle and elderly subjects with diabetes. There were 41 type-II diabetic patients living in Keelung city were recruited as the subjects of this study. Their average of male and female were 67.60± 11.65 and 66.57±8.14 years, respectively. The subjects had received aerobic training 3 days a week, one hour each session at intensity of 55-70% maximal heart rate for 12 weeks. The health-related physical fitness (BMI, %body fat, sit-and-stretch, 12-minute walk) and blood lipids including total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, triglyceride, and Glycoylated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) were taken before and after training. The collected data were analyzed with repeated t-test and Person Correlation, and the results of this study were as followed: 1. Most blood lipids before the training were significantly improved after 12 weeks aerobic training (p<.05), including total cholesterol (209 vs.124 mg/dl), low density lipoprotein (137 vs.112 mg/dl) and triglyceride (245 vs. 183 mg/dl). 2. The fasting blood glucose (184 vs.142 mg/dl) and HbA1c (11 Vs.7 %) of the subjects were improved significantly (p<.05) after 12 weeks of training. 3, The health-related physical fitness including BMI (29 vs. 24), % body fat (35.3 vs. 18.6 %), sit and reach (12.4 vs. 28 cm) and 12-minutes walk (804 vs.1007.2 m) of subjects were improved significantly (p<.05) after training. The 12 weeks of aerobic training can improve the physical fitness and blood lipid profiles of middle and elderly Type-II diabetics. Key words: middle and elderly, the type II diabetes, physical fitness, blood lipids, aerobic training.



中老年, 第二型糖尿病, 體適能, 血脂肪, 有氧訓練, middle and elderly, the type II diabetes, physical fitness, blood lipids, aerobic training.





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