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3D列印技術在近年來蔚為風潮,常被使用在各個不同的領域。學習障礙學生可能受到識字、書寫困難及知覺動作不佳影響書寫表現,因而提供電腦打字服務。特殊需求學生使用電腦鍵盤打字容易出現同時按兩個鍵、重複按鍵、鍵盤不合適等情況,本研究透過個別化3D列印設計鍵盤改善其電腦打字之成效。研究目的在於使用3D列印技術印製個別化電腦鍵盤,並探討使用後是否能增進打字功能。研究採用單一受試法之交替處理設計,以一名國中學習障礙學生為對象。研究方法使用「交替處理實驗設計」中B、C兩階段觀察鍵盤介入後打字功能改善情形。研究對象一週接受3次評量,共12週。以電腦打字速度及正確度為評量標準,將數據進行視覺分析及C統計進行結果解釋,並輔以「受試者訪談問卷」進行訪談了解其感受和滿意度。研究結論如下: 一、使用3D列印技術對國中學習障礙學生個別化設計電腦鍵盤具有可行性。 二、學習障礙學生使用3D列印鍵盤能部分提升電腦打字速率。 三、學習障礙學生使用3D列印鍵盤能部分提升電腦打字正確率。 四、學習障礙學生使用3D列印鍵盤電腦打字態度保持正向且積極嘗試。 本研究針對研究結果進行說明及結果分析,並針對未來可研究之方向提供相關建議,期望將3D列印技術運用到更多教學現場。
3D printing technology has became a trend in recent years and is often used invarious fields. Some students who have learning disabilities are affected by their recognizing, writing difficulty and poor motor skills, thus they are provided with computer typing services. Some studies have revealed that while typing on a regular computer keyboard, subjects often press two buttons at the same time, press the same buttons repeatedly, and find the keyboard unsuitable. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of typing skills for subjects with learning disability using an individualized computer keyboard with 3D printing technology. The research is to improve the subject’s typing performance through the individualized 3D printing keyboard.The research is conducted in the way of single-subject method, based on the design of alternating treatment. The research subject is a junior high school student, who has learning disabilities.The research uses the alternating treatments method to observe the improvement of the subject’s typing skill after using the 3D printing keyboard. The subject is evaluated three times a week, and the evaluation lasts ten weeks in total. The evaluation standard is the subject’s typing speed and typing accuracy. Data analysis was conducted by visual analysis and C statistics, also supplemented by interviews and questionnaires in order to understand the subject’s feelings and satisfaction.The conclusions are as follows :1. Individualized 3D printing computer keyboard is workable for students with learning disabilities in junior high schools.2. Individualized 3D printing computer keyboard can partly enhance typing speed of students with learning disabilities in junior high schools.3. Individualized 3D printing computer keyboard can partly enhance typing accuracy of students with learning disabilities in junior high schools.4. The subject has positive attitude to use 3D printing computer keyboard, and she was glad to try another 3D printing products.This research explains and analyzes the research results, and provides relevant suggestions for future research. Expecting the 3D printing technology will be used in more and more schools.



學習障礙, 3D列印, 電腦鍵盤, 打字功能, 單一受試, Learning disabilities, 3D printing, computer keyboard, typing function, single-subject design





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