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教材在語言教學上具舉足輕重之地位。公元2000年之後,海內外各地商用華語的學 習者激增,僅管中國在短短數年之內已推出不少教材,然而其內容多以中國經貿環境為 主;許多台灣的華語教師面對教材中不甚熟悉的產經內容,在教學上多有無從下手之 感。近幾年來,學者不斷呼籲開發和出版具有針對性、科學性、實用性、交際性和時效 性的商用華語教材的重要性(姜國權,2009),專家也提出在現階段對於以語言、文化 教學為主,兼具聽、說、讀、寫、譯的多層次通用商用華語教材的迫切需求(關道雄, 2006)。台灣的華語教學界,應積極應用全球華語教學普遍認同的教材編寫評估準則, 以期在廣大的商用華語教材市場,後來居上。 美國於1996年由ACTFL公布《21世紀外語學習標準》所提出的5C核心內容,以及 歐盟在2001年所公布的《歐洲語言共同參考架構》(簡稱CEFR),不但是目前多數英語 教材的編寫基準,也為華語教材的編寫提供了全新的理念。台灣的華語教學界如果能在 滿足ACTFL或是CEFR的標準之下研發商用華語教材,對於本地華語教材的輸出將有極 大助益。計畫主持人於2009年1月至12月曾主持工研院之研究計畫,已於2009年底完成 十課CEFR之A1、A2級教材,並將於2010年針對歐洲地區的學習者進行教學實證研究, 對於研發符合CEFR規範的華語教材具有完整之實務經驗。 本計畫將在CEFR 之B1 級(中級)標準的框架下,研發商用華語書面教材,並在教 材編寫完成後進行教學實證研究。本計畫研究的主要目的有以下五點: (1)編寫十課符合CEFR 之B1 級商用華語教材(2)建置此十課教材之聽、說、讀、 寫四大學習點評量測驗(3)進行國語中心外籍學生之商用華語課程實務教學(4)對教學 者和學習者進行問卷調查以完成教材評量(5)撰寫符合CEFR 規範之教材評量表與總結 報告。根據上述研究目的,本計畫的執行期限為二年,第一年完成前兩個目的,以編寫 教材與測驗評量題目為主,研究議題名稱:符合CEFR 之B1 級商用華語教材之研發設 計。第二年完成後三個目的,以進行教學實證研究和課程教材評量為主,研究議題名稱: 符合CEFR 之B1 級商用華語教材之教學實證研究。
Teaching materials play an important role in language teaching. Since the turn of the century, learners of business Chinese (BC) around the world have increased dramatically. Although China has published dozens of BC textbooks in just a few years, they are mainly about the current situation of the economy and trade of China. As many Taiwanese BC teachers are not familiar with such issues, they’ve found them difficult to teach. In recent years, scholars have constantly called for developing and publishing of focused, scientific, practical, communicative and timely BC textbooks (Jiang, 2009). Besides, experts in the field have also expressed the pressing needs of a complete series of language- and culture-based general BC materials that encompass the teaching of the four language skills (Quan, 2006). Therefore, BC textbook researchers and practitioners in Taiwan should make active efforts in the mission of developing BC textbooks based on a commonly accepted language teaching framework such as CEFR. It is expected that Taiwan will soon surpass China in the BC material publishing market. The five core competencies covered in the U.S. ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines established in 1996 as well as the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR) which was developed by European Council in 2001 have not only served as the guidelines for English teaching materials, but also provided a brand-new concept for the development of Chinese teaching materials. It will certainly facilitate the promotion of domestic TCSL material development if CEFR- or ACTFL-based BC materials can be made. The leader of this proposed project is experienced in developing CEFR-based Chinese teaching materials. The researcher has accomplished a project funded by Industrial Technology Research Institute in Taiwan during the period from January to December 2009. In that project, ten CEFR-based lessons for levels A1 and A2 have been completed and a pragmatic study is planned to be carried out in Europe in 2010. Under this project, BC materials will be developed based on the guidelines stipulated for B1 level of CEFR. In addition, a pragmatic classroom research will be conducted. The project covers the following points: 1) Ten CEFR-based BC lessons will be developed, 2) assessment tests on the four language skills will be developed, 3) a classroom study will be carried out for the BC learners at Taiwan mandarin center, 4) questionnaire surveys will be done, and 5) writing up the CEFR-based materials evaluation checklist and final report. According to the above-mentioned objectives, the project is planned for two years; the first two objectives will be accomplished in the first year. That is, BC lessons will be developed and the questionnaires will be made. The research is entitled: The Designing of CEFR-based BC Materials. In the second year, three other objectives will be fulfilled which include a classroom study and materials evaluation. The research will be entitled: A Pragmatic Study of CEFR-based.
Teaching materials play an important role in language teaching. Since the turn of the century, learners of business Chinese (BC) around the world have increased dramatically. Although China has published dozens of BC textbooks in just a few years, they are mainly about the current situation of the economy and trade of China. As many Taiwanese BC teachers are not familiar with such issues, they’ve found them difficult to teach. In recent years, scholars have constantly called for developing and publishing of focused, scientific, practical, communicative and timely BC textbooks (Jiang, 2009). Besides, experts in the field have also expressed the pressing needs of a complete series of language- and culture-based general BC materials that encompass the teaching of the four language skills (Quan, 2006). Therefore, BC textbook researchers and practitioners in Taiwan should make active efforts in the mission of developing BC textbooks based on a commonly accepted language teaching framework such as CEFR. It is expected that Taiwan will soon surpass China in the BC material publishing market. The five core competencies covered in the U.S. ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines established in 1996 as well as the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR) which was developed by European Council in 2001 have not only served as the guidelines for English teaching materials, but also provided a brand-new concept for the development of Chinese teaching materials. It will certainly facilitate the promotion of domestic TCSL material development if CEFR- or ACTFL-based BC materials can be made. The leader of this proposed project is experienced in developing CEFR-based Chinese teaching materials. The researcher has accomplished a project funded by Industrial Technology Research Institute in Taiwan during the period from January to December 2009. In that project, ten CEFR-based lessons for levels A1 and A2 have been completed and a pragmatic study is planned to be carried out in Europe in 2010. Under this project, BC materials will be developed based on the guidelines stipulated for B1 level of CEFR. In addition, a pragmatic classroom research will be conducted. The project covers the following points: 1) Ten CEFR-based BC lessons will be developed, 2) assessment tests on the four language skills will be developed, 3) a classroom study will be carried out for the BC learners at Taiwan mandarin center, 4) questionnaire surveys will be done, and 5) writing up the CEFR-based materials evaluation checklist and final report. According to the above-mentioned objectives, the project is planned for two years; the first two objectives will be accomplished in the first year. That is, BC lessons will be developed and the questionnaires will be made. The research is entitled: The Designing of CEFR-based BC Materials. In the second year, three other objectives will be fulfilled which include a classroom study and materials evaluation. The research will be entitled: A Pragmatic Study of CEFR-based.