

本研究之主要目的是了解台灣地區幼童居家安全環境及家長的幼童居家安全環境管理行為現況,並探討家長的社會人口學特性對於幼童居家安全環境設施和環境管理行為的影響。立意選取出台灣地區共1167戶資料,利用問卷收集量性和質性資料。所得資料以描述性統計、複迴歸及內容分析等進行分析。重要結果歸納如下: 一、研究對象的「年齡」、「受正規教育年數」、「與幼童之關係」及「幼童居家受傷經驗」會影響「幼童居家安全環境設施」。 二、而研究對象的「性別」、「年齡」、「受正規教育年數」、「家中幼童數」、「與幼童之關係」及「幼童居家受傷經驗」會影響「幼童居家安全環境管理行為」。 三、研究對象多以經濟因素及成人自身角度來設置及管理幼童居家安全環境設施,對於少有立即明顯危害,或是發生傷害的機率相對較低之情境時,較不易注意其物品擺設及安全管理。 根據本研究結果,建議教育內容可依據家戶的環境設施及環境管理行為情況進行指導,教導利用簡易經濟的方式改善危險環境。
The purpose of this study is to understand the current state of home environmental safety of children and caregivers’ managed behavior of home safety; the other hand, we also discuss about the influence of caregivers’ socio-demographic characters for home safety environmental facilities and behavior of management. This study adopts 1167 households for data survey by administrative areas in Taiwan and collects quantitative and qualitative informations for analysis, which revealed the following results: 1.Following items of subjects’ characters affect 「home safety of environmental facilities」: 「age」, 「educational level」, 「relation with children」, and 「experience of children’s home injury」. 2.Following items of subjects’ characters also influence 「managed behavior of home safety environment」: 「gender」, 「age」, 「educational level」, 「number of children」, 「relation with children」, and 「experience of children’s home injury」. 3.Most subjects set up and manage the safety of home facilities for children from the consideration of the economic and the adults’ point of views. For the circumstances without obvious and immediate danger, or when the probability of causing accident is relative lower, it’s not so easy to take notice of the placement and the safety management of the objects. According to previous result, education could focus on easy direction of home environmental facilities and managed behavior for improvement.



家長, 幼童事故傷害, 居家環境, 居家安全, caregiver, accident of children, home environment, home safety





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