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研究目的:探討不同性別兒童時期至青少年時期的內化行為問題發展軌跡,以及兒童時期親子關係對青少年內化行為問題發展的影響。 研究方法:本研究採用「兒童與青少年行為之長期發展研究計畫」建立之長期資料庫進行次級資料庫分析,選取2003年(國小三年級)、2006年(國小六年級)、2012年(高中三年級)及2013年(大學一年級)共四年的資料進行分析;參加其中三個年度的人當作分析樣本共計1850人。使用潛在成長模式(latent growth model, LGM)檢視兒童時期至青少年時期的內化行為發展軌跡,以及兒童時期親子關係對青少年內化行為發展的影響。 研究結果:分析結果發現女生在國小三年級的內化行為問題起始狀態相較於男生嚴重。男生的內化行為問題成長速率為負成長;相反的,女生的內化行為問題成長速率為正成長。兒童時期的親子關係越好(家庭支持高、父母監督程度高、家庭衝突少)時,其內化行為症狀會越輕微;另外,在內化行為發展斜率上,結果顯示當兒童時期有內化行為問題者,成長至青少年的過程,其發展速率呈現正向成長。 研究結論:父母在陪伴孩子成長時需多關心男孩、女孩在生理、心理不同的變化,特別是青春期時、更應多花時間及心力陪伴子女成長。建立良好的親子關係,高度的家庭支持、適當的父母監督、減少家庭衝突都能有效的減少青少年內化行為問題。
Purpose:To explore the developmental trajectory of internalizing behavior problems in children from childhood to adolescence between sex differences and the influence of parent-child relationship on the development of adolescents' internalizing behavior problems. Method:This study will use the long-term database established by “Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-term Evolution”, selecting four years of the longitudinal data. Choose people who participated in the project for three years as study samples as study sample. The developmental trajectories of internalizing behavior problems during childhood to adolescence and the influence of the parent-child relationship on the development of adolescents' internalizing behavior problems were examined by latent growth model (LGM). Results:The internalizing behavior problems among the third-grade girls were server than boys. Boys’ internalizing behavior problems growth rate is negative; otherwise, girls’ internalizing behavior problems growth rate is positive. The better parent-child relationship in childhood, the less internalizing behavior problems will be. In addition, results show that when internalizing behavior problems appear in childhood, it will getting worse in the adolescent. Conclusion:Parents should spend more time and effort accompanying with children especially when they go through puberty. With the establishment of good parent-child relationship, people can effectively reduce the problem of internalizing behavior of adolescents.



兒童心理健康, 性別, 內化行為問題, 潛在成長模式, 親子關係, children’s mental health, gender, internalizing behavior problems, latent growth model, parent-child relationship





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