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本論文目的在探討台北市高職夜間部學生健康生活型態的現況及其相關因素,本研究以自編結構式問卷為工具,以分層隨機抽樣的方式,由台北市高職夜間部的學生中,抽取548人為樣本,最後得有效問卷482份,有效問卷率89.42%,並進行統計分析。本研究的重要結果如下: 一、研究對象六成四有打工、單親家庭有三成二、低社經地位高達七成四。 二、飲食習慣以女性飲食行為較為不良;「家庭型態」最能預測飲食行為。 三、運動休閒行為以就讀私立學校者、年齡較大者、學業成績較差者、父母教育方式為放任者其運動休閒行為較不良;「父母管教方式」最能預測運動與休閒行為。 四、休息與睡眠以就讀私立學校者、有打工者、學業成績較差者、父母管教方式為放任者其休息與睡眠行為較不良;「學業成就」最能預測休息與睡眠行為。 五、安全生活行為以就讀私立學校者、男性、學業成績較差者、父母管教方式為放任者其安全生活行為較不良;「性別」最能預測安全生活行為。 六、心理壓力調適以就讀私立學校者、年齡較小者、學業成績較差者、父母管教方式為放任者其心理壓力調適行為較不良;「父母管教方式」最能預測心理壓力調適行為。 七、吸菸喝酒與使用成癮藥物 (一)曾經吸菸者佔五成三,以就讀私立學校者、男性、年紀較大、有打工者、學業成績較差者、父母管教方式為放任者其吸煙行為較不良;「公私立學校」最能預測吸煙行為。 (二)曾經喝酒有七成,以讀私立學校者其喝酒行為較不良;「父母教養方式」最能預測喝酒行為。 (三)曾經使用成癮藥物有零點九成,以就讀私立學校者、男性、學業成績較差者、父母管教方式為放任者其使用成癮藥物行為較不良;「社經地位」最能預測使用成癮藥物行為。 八、性行為以就讀私立學校者、年紀越大者、有打工者、學業成績較差者、單親家庭者其性行為較不良;「年齡」最能預測性行為。
The purposes of this study were to explore the health lifestyle status, and to analyze the relationship between the health lifestyle status and related factors for vocational school’s night students at taipei city. By using a stratified random sampling method, a sample of 548 students were chosen for collecting data by the questionnaire. Among the sample, 482 students provided valid data, response rate being 89 42%. The results of the study were summarized as follows: 一、The object of study ,those with part-time jobs accounted for 30%, those from single-parent families accounted for 32%, those with a lower social and economic status accounted for 74%. 二、Female students were more incliued to had unhealthful eating habits. With the factor of family type, we can best predict eating habits. 三、Who were from private school, from higher ages, of poorer academic performance, from parents’ nutrition with laissez-faire, were more incliued to had unhealthful physical activity behavior. With the factor of parents’ nutrition, we can best predict physical activity behavior. 四、Who were from private school, with part-time jobs, of poorer academic performance, from parents’ nutrition with laissez-faire, were more incliued to had unhealthful rest and sleeping behavior. With the factor of academic performance, we can best predict rest and sleeping behavior. 五、Who were from private school, male, of poorer academic performance, from parents’ nutrition with laissez-faire, were more incliued to had unhealthful safe living behavior . With the factor of gender, we can best predict safe living behavior. 六、Who were from private school, from lower ages, of poorer academic performance, from parents’ nutrition with laissez-faire, were more incliued to had unhealthful psychological stress coping behavior. With the factor of parents’ nutrition, we can best predict psychological stress coping behavior. 七、cigarette smokers, alcohol drinkers and substance abuse (一)The prevalence rate of smoking was 53%, Who were from private school, mail, from higher ages, with part-time jobs, of poorer academic performance, from parents’ nutrition with laissez-faire, were more incliued to had smoking behavior. The factor which can best predict the subjects’ smoking behavior were "public or private school ". (二)The prevalence rate of drinking was 70%, private school students are more incliued to had unhealthful drinking behavior. The factor which can best predict drinking behavior were " parents’ nutrition ". (三)The prevalence rate of substance abuse was 0.9%, Who were from private school, mail, of poorer academic performance, from parents’ nutrition with laissez-faire, were more incliued to had substance abuse behavior. The factor which can best predict smoking behavior were "socioeconomic status ". 八、Who were from private school, from higher ages, with part-time jobs, of poorer academic performance, from single-parent families, were more incliued to have unhealthful sexual behavior. The factor which can best predict the subjects’ sexual behavior were "age ".



高職夜間部學生, 健康生活型態, vocational school’s night students, healthy lifestyle





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