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摘要 本研究以敘說及對話美學為理論基礎,再建構胡民山、蕭君玲數十年民族舞蹈之創作憶痕。首先以「美的感應」為主要的基底,輔以二位創作者之作品為範例,以「拉扯與堅持」、「不自覺又刻意的焦點」、「多元藝術領域的涉入」為論文研究議題,並歸結出二位創作者的藝術創作價值觀與創作風格。 一、 二位創作者都相當注重當代民族舞蹈創作,如何能發展出具有臺灣這沃土的文化氛圍與藝術風格。 二、 胡民山發展出的「禪風作品」具有「靜為、如似、緩沉、寂然」的風格。 三、 蕭君玲發展出的創作特色:「圖像式呼吸」、「聽勁式觸動」、「滲入式擬像」。 四、 創作歷程中會產生很多「非預期」的狀態,創作者對此「非預期」有著一定的堅持,會產生許多的拉扯,這些拉扯有時會對創作產生阻礙,有時卻會碰撞出新契機。 五、 二位創作者因長期創作實踐,都養成一種攝擷「美」的習性,成為生命慣性之一,也是積累創作能量的個人特質。 六、 二位創作者都在創作上極想獲得「自由空間」,而不願被世俗的狹隘觀點所綁縛,因此都有著跨領域的汲取創作養分的動機,不斷地為自己的創作注入新意。 本文結論以「迷攝」、「情結」作為最終的論述。「迷・攝」,是創作歷程中的「堅持、聚焦、取捨」的「美的感應」,因迷而美,攝而創作;創作者內在「糾結而執」的「情・結」,在多元差異的「美的感應」沃土上積澱著創作「映象」,它來自於創作者的社會化情感、藝術思維、美的判斷與創作之慾。
Abstract This study based on the aesthetics of narrative and dialogue is trying to reconstruct the memories of folk dance creation of Min-Shan Hu and Chun-Ling Hsiao for decades. Firstly, the study regards “perception of beauty” as essential base level, takes the two creators creations as examples to approach the issues concerning “struggle and insistence”, “a focus of unconsciousness/consciousness”, and “involvement of multiple art fields”. As a result, the two creators’ artistic value orientations and creative styles are induced. 1. Both of the creators were thinking highly of contemporary folk dance creation, and strenuously develop the cultural atmosphere and artistic styles imbued with Taiwanese homeland fertility. 2. Min-Shan Hu’s creations of the “style of zen” endowed with the characteristics of “calm, coincidence, slow motion, and solitude”. 3. Chun-Ling Hsiao developed the characteristics of “iconic breathing”, “strenuous touching”, and “infiltrative simulation” in her works. 4. Many of the “unexpected” situations could occur in the process of creation, and the insistence of creators toward “unexpected” will lead to many struggles. These struggles may obstruct creation, or sometimes, lead to a new opportunity. 5. The long-term practice of creation has cultivated a habit of seizing “beauty” and became one of their lifetime customs. The accumulation of creation energy have embodied in their individuality. 6. Both of them aspire to achieve “free space” in creation and don’t like to be constrained by mundane, narrow views. Therefore, they have motive to acquire inspirations from multidisciplinary resources and continuously renovate their works. The study concluded with the discourse of “fascinated absorption” and “emotional complex”. “Fascinated absorption” means “perception of beauty” through “insistence, focus, and tradeoff” in the process of creation. Beauty attributed to one’s fascination, and absorption initiate creation. The creators’ inner “entangled persistence” caused “emotional complex”, and accumulated “images” in the diversified differentiated fertile soil of “perception of beauty”. These were come from the creators’ socialized emotion, thinking of arts, appreciation of beauty, and desire of creation.



美的感應, 創作憶痕, 創作歷程, 民族舞蹈, perception of beauty, creation memories, process of creation, folk dance





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